PSI - Issue 32
A.S. Shalimov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 230–237 Shalimov A.S., Tashkinov M.A. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
6, which shows close-up pictures of some of the ligaments.
Fig. 5. Tensile (u=1.5 nm) loading von Mises stress fields for bicontinuous structure with inclusion volume fraction p=0.696 having (a) elastic properties of the matrix; (b) elastoplastic properties of the matrix.
Fig. 6. Tensile (u=5 nm) loading for bicontinuous structure with inclusion volume fraction p=0.696 having elastoplastic matrix properties with the procedure of degradation of elastic properties (a) von Mises stress field; (b) damage field.
Figure 7 shows loading curves in tension for numerical models with the same inclusion volume fraction p=0.680 but with different material models (elastic, elastoplastic and elastoplastic with damage). It can be seen that the curve of the elastoplastic model with damage accumulation is lower than the regular elastoplastic model, because the degradation of properties results in a understatement of stiffness.
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