PSI - Issue 30

G.N. Sleptsov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 30 (2020) 154–161


Sleptsov G.N. et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2020) 000–000


In the case of optimizing the composition of the main and welding materials, the geometry and dimensions of the welded joint, as well as the welding technology, it is simultaneously necessary to develop a comprehensive estimation that includes a set of parameters characterizing all of the listed properties of the welded joint. The set of parameters should be reflected in one indicator of a comprehensive assessment. This indicator should be compared with its critical or threshold value, based on which a conclusion is drawn on a comprehensive estimation of the technological strength of welded joints to the formation of cold cracks. 4. Conclusions On the basis of improving the methods of technological samples Tekken and "Implant" with the help of registration of AE parameters, an automated technique for recording the parameters of delayed fracture and the process of formation of cold cracks has been developed, was developed a digital database of test conditions and results, new approaches to the development of criteria for estimation technological strength depending on the hydrogen content in the weld metal and ambient temperature have been proposed. Based on the analysis of the experimental work, it was found that an increase in the probability of formation and development of cold cracks is mainly determined by the critical content of diffusion hydrogen in the weld metal, depending on the structural and force parameters of the welded joint, and the ambient temperature. The introduction and testing of the proposed methodology will allow us to carry out a comprehensive estimation of the technological strength of welded joints taking into account all parameters characterizing the welding technology, weldability, hydrogen conditions, force and deformation conditions of welding and will allow us to reach a new qualitative level of estimation the technological strength of a welded joint using modern measuring instruments. Acknowledgements This research has been supported by Federal Agency of Scientific Organization of Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation (Project III.28.1). References Andreykiv A.E., Lysak N.V., 1989. Method of acoustic emission in the study of destruction processes. Kiev, pp. 175. GOST 26388-84, 1983. Welded joints. Test methods for resistance to cold cracking during fusion welding. Moscow, pp. 22. Larionov V.P., Kuzmin V.R., Sleptsov O.I., 2005. Cold resistance of materials and structural elements, Novosibirsk, pp. 290. Makarov E. L., Yakushin B. F., 2014. The theory of weldability of steels and alloys, Moscow, pp.487. Mikhailov V.E., Lepov V.V., Alymov V.T., Larionov V.P. 1999. Delayed fracture of metal structures. Novosibirsk, pp. 224. Russian River Register, 2019. Rules for the classification and construction of ships. Materials and welding, Part X, 1214-1215. Semashko N.A., Shport V.I., Maryin B.N., 2002. Acoustic emission in experimental materials science, Moscow, pp. 240. Sleptsov G.N., Everstov M.M., Mikhailov V.E., 2016. Improvement of methods of testing welded specimens for the formation of cold cracks by modern methods of non-destructive testing. Collection of works, Cold resistance. New technologies for equipment and structures of the North and the Arctic, Russian conference with international participation. Yakutsk, 174-180. Sleptsov O.I., Mikhailov V.E., Petushkov V.G., 1989. Increasing the strength of welded joints of structures for the North. Novosibirsk, pp. 202. Sleptsov O.I., Sivtsev M.N., Sleptsov G.N., 2019. Slow destruction of welded joints during welding at naturally low temperatures, Welding production 5, 9-14. GOST 23338-91, 1991. Welding of metals. Methods for determining the content of diffusion hydrogen in soldered metal and metal of the weld, pp. 20.

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