PSI - Issue 3
F. Berto et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 3 (2017) 85–92 F. Berto et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
comparison among different failure criteria, with the SED approach being included, was carried out by Sonsino and Nieslony (2008) considering a large bulk of experimental data from notched specimens.
Nomenclature : D
Notch depth;
Inverse slope of the Wöhler curve;
K R r
Load ratio;
Distance between notch tip and center of the control volume;
Radius of the critical volume; Scatter index in term of normal stress; Scatter index in term of tangential stress;
R c T T
Notch opening angle; Load phase angle; Biaxiality ratio a / a ;
Notch radius;
Nominal tensile stress amplitude; Nominal tangential stress amplitude.
The critical plane approach was reviewed and modified by Carpinteri and Spagnoli (2001, 2009), who correlated the critical plane orientation with the weighted mean principal stress directions. Łagoda et al. (1999) suggested an energetic criterion based on a damage parameter defined as the sum of the energies associated with the normal and shear strains on the critical plane. A thermodynamics analysis of cyclic plastic deformation was carried out by Ye et al. in (Ye et al. (2008)) to establish an energy transition relation for describing the elastic–plastic stress and strain behavior of the notch-tip material element in bodies subjected to uni-axial and multiaxial cyclic loads. According to the actual energy conversion occurring in the notch-tip material element during cyclic plastic deformation, a unified expression for estimating the elastic–plastic notch stress–strain responses in bodies subjected to multiaxial cyclic loads was developed, of which Neuber’s rule and Glinka’s ESED method become two particular cases. Ayatollahi et al. (2014) proposed a local numerical method in order to investigate the fatigue crack initiation and propagation in the cracked and notched components. This method was then enhanced by other scholars to consider different parameters which affect the fatigue crack growth behaviour in different materials (Ayatollahi et al. (2014a); Ayatollahi et al. (2014b); Ayatollahi et al. (2015a); Ayatollahi et al. (2015b); Ayatollahi et al. (2016); Ayatollahi et al. (2017); Razavi et al. (2016); Rashidi Moghaddam et al. (in press)). Theoretical and experimental difficulties arising in the multi-axial fatigue testing and in the interpretations of the final results were discussed by several researchers (Pook and Sharples (1979), Pook (1985), Tong et al. (1986), Ritchie (1988), Yu et al. (1998), Tanaka et al. (1999), Pippan et al. (2011)). Prediction of the branch crack threshold condition under mixed mode (I+III) was suggested by Pook and Sharples (1979) through the analysis of the main crack tip stress field. Pook (1985) pointed out that it is necessary to distinguish between the different thresholds for the initiation of crack growth, crack arrest and specimen failure. It was clearly shown by Tong et al. (1986) that a definition of a fatigue threshold Δ K th under poly-modal loading is far from easy mainly because under torsion loading an extensive plastic zone is developed at the tip of a mode III crack. The presence of yielding in conjunction with the dissipative phenomena due to the possible contact of the crack flanks result in a strong influence of the specimen geometry on the test data. The intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms producing shielding effects during fatigue crack propagation were classified by Ritchie (1988) whereas near threshold fatigue crack propagation was examined by Yu et al. (1998) and by Tanaka et al. (1999). The crack propagation rate decreased with crack extension because of the shear contact of the crack faces causing an increase in friction, abrasion and interlocking. The mechanisms of crack propagation were recently revisited also by Pippan et al. (2011) who, dealing with ductile metallic materials, considered the effect of the environment, short cracks, small scale and large scale yielding. It was underlined the essential role played by the crack propagation mechanisms: a methodology developed for a certain material and loading case can be applied to other materials under similar loading conditions only when the fatigue crack propagation mechanisms are the same. A novel mathematical model of the stresses around the tip of a fatigue crack, which considers the effects of plasticity through an analysis of their shielding effects on the applied elastic field was developed by Christopher et al.
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