PSI - Issue 29

Giovanni Pancani et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 29 (2020) 149–156 Giovanni Pancani, Matteo Bigongiari/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



deformation problems. The only movements that the structure can have are to be found precisely in its particular topographical and constructive condition, therefore in the strong presence of embankments, arranged on top of a mountain, where the wa ll structures, in case of movement of the mass of soil, can behave as retainingwa lls, risking to undergo strongdeformations: excessive rainfall and thenatural fillingof the drains, which tookplaceover centuries of neglect, prompted us to analyze this problem. To highlight the presence of any deformations due to the thrusts of the ground, thepoint cloud obtained by laser scanner was useddirectly, checking the displacement of coplanar points by drawing contour lines, (a lso known as eleva tion map) [Bertocci et a l 2015]. The complexity of obtaining a deformation analysis from real basedmodels of these structures is congenital in the morphology of the structures. The use of a lternative systems for the studyof complex geometries [Bigongiari 2017] does not allow the analysis of too deta iled models such as that of the Verruca. No important deformations have been highlighted except in some cases for the parapets of the fortress, which are completely free from thrusts and more subject to natural actions which a llowed to morequickly erode thebinders. 5. Conclusions This first review of the results of historical, diagnostic and structural morphological analyzes confirmed the strong need to beable tobase conservativeconsiderations on the certaintyof a reliable anddetailed architectural surveywhen dea lingwith the conservation problems of historical architecture. 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In CHNT 23 - 23rd International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies

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