PSI - Issue 29

Leonardo Zaffi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 29 (2020) 157–164 Zaffi, Capestro and Viti / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Each requirement provided by the Code refers to a specific building type and materia l. When the structura l system does not belong to the Code classification, however, there not specifications to follow. Th ere are interventions which are not easy to classify. In Tuscany these situations were ruled by a Regiona l Low , i.e. the “ Decreto del Presidente della Giunta Regionale 9 Luglio 2009, n 36/R ” ( DPGRT 36/R), which had a specific Clouse (#12) dedicated to “interventions not relevant for seismic hazard” . A deta iled specifica tion of such interventions was provided by the Code; the suspended wood noses were not explicitly included, of course, but the “Maso” sculpture could be possibly assimilated to the mentioned cases. Unfortunately, in February 2019, such Clouse has been abroga ted through a lega l verdict. This change affected once aga in the destiny of the “Maso” project, since the most proper approach for its certification was just vanished. Fina lly, the Company considered the effort required for the structura l compliance of the project too much comparing to the temporary character of the experience, and the “nose” still lies on the floor The paper illustrates an experience made within the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, together to the street artist Clet. The design and constructive process, besides constituting an interesting experience for the students, had a negative result, since the sculpture had never achieved its fina l staging, i.e. been insta lled on the building façade. This experience has evidenced some important inconsistencies of the Ita lian Technica l Code regarding temporary and unconventiona l interventions. Whilst there are satisfactory and deta iled instructions as regards both new and existing buildings, indeed, the unconventiona l interventions are partia lly uncovered by the C ode. It’s rather expectable the lack of a specific procedure to follow, since each unconventiona l intervention presents very specific problems to face; however, a more versatile guideline should be provided, in order to let the designer able to develop all the required steps in the respect of theTechnicalCode. At the current time, instead, the unconventiona l interventions are usua lly done out of any control, since the lega l (i.e. compliant to the Technica lCodes) approach can easily not guarantee a result compatible with the ava ilable time and sources. Therefore, theyareforced tobe “underground” interventions. Acknowledgements The described experience has beenmade with thecontribution of Immobiliare Novoli s.p.a . References RD 1927. Legge No. 1981 del 4/9/1927 (in Italian). Regio Decreto L 16/11/1939 No 2229 “Norme per l’esecuzione delle opere in conglomerato cementizio semplice ed armato” (in Italian). Decreto del Presidente della Giunta Regionale 9 Luglio 2009, n 36/R, Bollettino Ufficiale Re gione Tos cana No. 25. “Regolamento di attuazione dell’Articolo 117, commi 1 e 2 della Legge Regionale n. 1 del 3 Gennai o 2005 (Norme per il governo del territorio). Disciplina sulle modalità di svolgimento delle attività delle opere e delle costruzioni di zone soggette a rischio sismico (in Italian). NTC (2018). Decreto del Ministro delle Infrastrutture del 17 gennaio 2018 . “Nuove norme tecniche per le costruzioni” (in Italian). Circolare Consiglio Superiore del Lavori Pubblici (2019). Istruzioni per l’applicazione dell’«Aggiornamento delle “Norme tecn iche per le costruzioni”» di cui al Decreto Ministeriale 17 gennaio 2018 ”, Supplemento ordinario n. 5 alla Gaz zetta Uffi ciale n. 35 dell ’ 11 febbraio 2019 (in Italian). Biagi M. (edit.) (2008) Novoli da periferia a città. Le trasformazioni urbane di Firenze. Electa Architettura, Milano (in Italian). Capestro A., Zaffi L. (2018) Il progetto del temporaneo. Tra ricerca e formazione: dispositivi per l'arte, la cultura, il patrimonio. Firenze: DIDApress (in Italian). Abraham C. (2016) Clet a la rue, Locus Solus Edition, Chateulin. (in French). Zaffi L. (2017) Azioni e progetti per micro interventi sullo spazio pubblico della città. In: Antonio Laurìa. Piccoli spazi urbani; valorizzazione degli spazi residuali in contesti storici e qualità sociale, pp. 141-177, Napoli: Liguori (in Italian). Signorelli B. (1988) Vittorio Bonadè Bottino, in Dizionario biografico degli italiani, vol. 34, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana (in Italian). next to the Power Station. 5. Conclusive remarks

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