PSI - Issue 29

Mario De Stefano et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 29 (2020) 71–78 De Stefano and Cristofaro / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

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first phase of expeditious investiga tion to assess the seismic safety of a part of the Ga llery ( Tribuna del David and adjacent rooms) with the a im of testing the application of the GL for the eva luation and reduction of the seismic risk of cultura l heritage (MIBACT, 2010). This phase was followed by a second one in which not only new bodies were added, but the checks concerned a ll three levels of assessment envisaged by the GL. The work involved a first phase by carrying out an extensive diagnostic campaign for the eva luation of the mechanica l properties of the Complex: visua l tests, double flat jacks, penetrometric tests and laboratory tests. The diagnostic campa ign a lso involved geognostic tests of the subsoil to obta in subsoil class. Subsequently, the three eva luation levels provided for by the GL issued by the Ministry were developed: LV1, LV2 and LV3. In particular, the first level of eva luation was ana lyzed by dividing the Complex into structura l units and adopting two of the four simplified models envisaged by the GL: the Pa laces model and the Churches model. The second level of assessment was ana lysed by predicting the possible loca l collapse mechanisms on the basis of when detected by the current situation. Fina lly, the third level was assessed both for individua l structura l units, conducting a non-linear state ana lysis (pushover) and globa lly through static and dynamic linear ana lysis (finite element ana lysis). It is clear that the results from seismic assessment provided va lues of IS lower than unity since the historica l periods a ll parts of the “ Galleria dell’Accademia” complex were built are definitely pre-normative; in addition, the masonry qua lity varies with the building time, thus further pena lizing seismic performance. These results cause a twofold thought. First of a ll, a thought on the importance that the places and spaces that host art-works, more than being beautiful, must be primarily safe. Secondly, the safety assessment must subsequently extend to the art-works conta ined in order to preserve them ad tomake themsafe. 5. Acknowledgements The financia l support from the Ita lian Ministry of Cultura l Heritage and Tourism (MIBACT) through the Tuscan Direction of CulturalHeritage andLandscape is gra tefully acknowledged. The financia l support from the Ita lian Ministry of the University and Research (MUR) through the project PRIN 2015 'Mitigating the Impacts of natura l hazards on Cultura l Heritage sites, structures and artefacts' (MiCHe) is gra tefully acknowledged. 6. References America Society for Testing and Materials – ASTM 1196, 2009. Standard test method for in situ compressive stress within solid unit masonry estimated using flatjack measurements. America Society for Testing and Materials – ASTM 1197, 2009. 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