PSI - Issue 26

Petr Konečný et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 26 (2020) 430 –438 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



for the group Girders, Cross Bars & Longitudinal Joints. In the previous research by Konečný et al. (2020) has been discovered, that in the case of the oldest bridge, no. 54-040, the value of pH was extremely low, and, therefore, the average results were highly affected.

0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70

Main road bridges

Motorway bridges

Chloride Concentration ‐ Cl‐ [% by mass]

Abutments & Bearing Seats

Girders, Cross Bars & Longitudinal Joints

Concrete Patches

Injecting Grouts Mean value of Cl

Support Columns, Intermediate support

Figure 2. Mean values of water-soluble chloride ion concentration Cl - [wt.-%/cement] of the main road and motorway bridges and respective construction components bridges (Groups are represented by columns with patterns. All samples from the group are represented by outlining frame-like column).






Main road bridges

Motorway bridges

Corrosion Risk - c(Cl-)/c(OH-) [-]

Abutments & Bearing Seats

Girders, Cross Bars & Longitudinal Joints

Concrete Patches

Injecting Grouts Mean value of Cl-

Support Columns, Intermediate support

Figure 3. Corrosion risk described as a mean value and of c(Cl - )/c(OH - ) ratio of the main road and motorway bridges and respective construction components bridges (Groups are represented by columns with patterns. All samples from the group are represented by outlining frame-like column). 4. Conclusions 1. The analysis of chloride profiles, pH concentration, and the c(Cl - )/c(OH - ) ratio for the chloride-induced corrosion risk on the concrete samples is evaluated for 14 selected main road and motorway bridges. The results of 298 cores with 803 samples were analyzed

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