PSI - Issue 25

Romanin Luca et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 25 (2020) 149–158 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



large thicknesses require larger weld throats and are subjected to greater shrinkages.

Fig. 6. Plate thicknesses for the first welding phase

The way in which the model is restrained influences the deformed shape. In this analysis the restraints have been applied on the centre line, as shown in Fig. 7(b). The welding sequence is performed according to the scheme shown in Fig. 7(a). The two sides of each plate were welded sequentially.

Fig. 7. Welding sequence for the first phase (left) and restraint conditions (right)

By referring to Fig. 7, more in detail:  Weld 1: 14 passes for each side of a 1290 mm length.  Weld 2 and 3: 10 passes for each side of a 350 mm length.  Weld 4 and 5: 10 passes for each side of a 1100 mm length.

The welding parameters of each run have been used as input for the numerical local models and the inverse analysis has been performed. The equivalent loads, summarized in Table 1, have been applied on Virtual Weld Bead regions.

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