PSI - Issue 25

Victor Rizov / Procedia Structural Integrity 25 (2020) 112–127 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



Fig. 9. Circular beam cross-section.

The values of cU E , cL E , tU E and tL E in the right-hand end of the beam are denoted by cUD E , cLD E , tUD E and tLD E , respectively. In order to investigate the effects of the different moduli in tension and compression on the lengthwise fracture behaviour of the beam, calculations of the strain energy release rate are performed at various cUB tUB E E / , cUB cUD E E / , cLB tLB E E / and cLB cLD E E / ratios.

  h r / 2 1 ratio (curve 1 – at

0.008  r m, curve 2 – at

Fig. 10. The strain energy release rate in non-dimensional form plotted against

0.012  r m and curve 3 – at

0.0016  r m).

tUB E E /

cUD E E /

The effects of


ratios are shown in Fig. 11 where the strain energy release rate in



tUB E E /

cUD E E /

/ cLB E E


 cUB

non-dimensional form is plotted against

ratio at three





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