PSI - Issue 20
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Procedia Structural Integrity 20 (2019) 124–129
1st International Conference on Integrity and Lifetime in Extreme Environment (ILEE-2019) Features of the formation process of brass coating by gas-dynamic deposition of copper and zinc particles Vladimir Arkhipov, Gennady Moskvitin, Maxim Pugachev*, Pavel Severov Institute of Machine Science named by A.A.Blagonravov, Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Maly Kharitonyevsky Pereulok, Moscow, 101990, Russia Abstract Coatings deposited on the surface of samples of steel 40X by the method of gas-dynamic deposition using the finished mechanical mixture of particles of copper, zinc and aluminum oxide. X-ray structural phase analysis reveals significant differences in the structure and phase composition of the coating applied when the nozzle is displaced by 2 mm and 3 mm. During gas-dynamic deposition of the coating using a mechanical mixture of copper, zinc and aluminum oxide (corundum) particles, in the deposited metal layer, copper, zinc, solid solution of copper in zinc ( η -phase) and intermetallic (electronic) compounds are exposed based on CuZn 3 ( ε -phase) and Cu 5 Zn 8 ( γ -phase). Primary diffusion of copper to zinc is recorded; the diffusion coefficient has a high value of 0.75-2.25 x 10 -8 cm 2 /s. The deformation of particles is accompanied by the formation of stresses, then their relaxation will take place due to the cooperative displacement of atoms, which will significantly increase the rate of diffusion of copper into zinc. In this case, a high value of the diffusion coefficient for gas-dynamic deposition of a coating based on copper and zinc particles should be attributed to a significant increase in point defects (vacancies) in zinc, as well as the onset and relaxation of deformation – stresses in copper particles. Analysis of the technological factors of deposition shows the effect of deformation on the diffusion of copper into zinc. 1st International Conference on Integrity and Lifetime in Extreme Environment (ILEE-2019) Features of the formation process of brass coating by gas-dynamic deposition of copper and zinc particles Vladimir Arkhipov, Gennady Moskvitin, Maxim Pugachev*, Pavel Severov Institute of Machine Science named by A.A.Blagonravov, Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Maly Kharitonyevsky Pereulok, Moscow, 101990, Russia Abstract Coatings deposited on the surface of samples of steel 40X by the method of gas-dynamic deposition using the finished mecha ical mixture of particles of copper, zinc and aluminum oxid . X-ray structural phase analysis reveals significant differences in the structure and phase composition of the o ting applied when the nozzle is isplaced by 2 mm and 3 m . During gas-dynamic deposition of the c ating using a mechanical mixture of copper, zinc and luminum oxide (corundum) particles, in the deposited metal layer, copper, zinc, solid solution of copper in zinc ( η -phase) and intermetallic (electronic) compou ds are exposed based on CuZn 3 ( ε -phase) and Cu 5 Zn 8 ( γ -phase). Primary diffusion of pper to zinc is recorded; the diffusion coefficient h s a high value of 0.75-2.25 x 10 -8 cm 2 /s. Th eformatio of particles is accompanied by the formation of str sses, then their relaxation will take place due to the cooperativ isplacement of atoms, which will significantly increase the rate of diffusion of copper into zinc. In this case, a high value of the diffusion coefficient for gas-dynamic deposition of a coating ba d o copper and zinc particles should be attributed to a significant increase in point defects (vacancies) in zinc, as well a t onset and relaxation of deformation – stresses in c pper particles. Analysis of the technological factors of deposition shows the effect of deformation on the diffusion of copper into zinc.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the ILEE-2019 organizers © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the ILEE-2019 organizers © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the ILEE-2019 organizers
Keywords: gas-dynamic spraying; copper coating; zinc coating; diffusion of copper into zinc Keywords: gas-dynamic spraying; copper coating; zinc coating; diffusion of copper into zinc
1. Introduction Low-temperature gas-dynamic deposition has used for coating mechanical mixtures of technically pure metals (copper, aluminum, etc.) and aluminum oxide (corundum) particles. Solid corundum particles are added to activate the substrate and achieve high adhesion of the coating to the substrate, as well as deformation of metal particles to 1. Introduction Low-temperature gas-dynamic deposition has used for coating mechanical mixtures of technically pure metals (copper, aluminum, etc.) and aluminum oxide (corundum) particles. Solid corundum particles are added to activate the substrate and achieve high adhesion of the coating to the substrate, as well as deformation of metal particles to
2452-3216 © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the ILEE-2019 organizers * Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-499-135-7790 ; fax: +7-499-135-3517 . E-mail address: 2452-3216 © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the ILEE-2019 organizers * Correspon ing author. Tel.: +7-499-135-7790 ; fax: +7-499-135-3517 . E-mail address:
2452-3216 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the ILEE-2019 organizers 10.1016/j.prostr.2019.12.127
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