PSI - Issue 18

Yaroslav Dubyk et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 18 (2019) 622–629 Yaroslav Dubyk and Iryna Seliverstova / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



Figs. 3-5 demonstrate the effect of the relative depth for dents / h  with different base lengths 40, 80, 120 l mm  under axial force and pressure load with nominal stresses of 1 MPa. Analysing Figs. 3-5, the following conclusions can be draw:  with an increase in the relative depth of the dent / h  , stress concentration increases, and for small dents, this growth is more significant;  under the influence of the axial force, the unproportional dent 1 2 / 0.5 l l  is more dangerous, but with the increase of the base length l , this effect vanishes;  under the influence of pressure, the unproportional dent 1 2 / 2 l l  is more dangerous, but with the increase of the base length l this effect does not disappear;  in general, with equal nominal stresses, the concentration due to the action of the pressure is more significant, and must be taken into account especially for short dents, since it can sagnificantly exceed the nominal stress.

Fig. 3. Influence of relative depth of dent / h  on bending stresses: R=400mm,h =10mm, l=40mm

σ bx ;

σ b φ ,

a – axial force, b – pressure load.

Fig. 4. Influence of relative depth of dent / h  on bending stresses: R=400mm,h =10mm, l=80 мм

σ bx ;

σ b φ

a – axial force, b – pressure load.

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