PSI - Issue 17

Pedro J. Sousa et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 17 (2019) 835–842 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Fig. 1. Developed 3D ESPI setup

Here, the laser beam is divided into five beams in two stages. From the first stage results the reference beam, which goes into the camera through a beam splitter, and from the second stage result the other four, which are object beams that provide illumination. The reference beam requires a considerably lower power than the other beams and, thus, the first stage sends the majority of the power to the second one, while a small portion is used for the reference beam. Among the object beams, two (1 and 3 in Fig. 1) include a phase modulator comprised of a mirror and a piezoelectric actuator. When performing an acquisition, the beams that are not necessary should be blocked. For this, shutters were created using small servomotors using custom microcontroller-based hardware. As a reference, the measurement directions for the developed setup are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Measurement directions

Results are obtained by comparing two situations: the reference and deformed states. For obtaining quantitative data, phase stepping was employed using Carré Method. That method [3], [11] is applied to a particular state of the object and involves the acquisition of four interferograms ( I 1 , I 2 , I 3 and I 4 ) with an unknown phase step between them. Therefore, for a complete measurement, it is necessary to acquire a minimum of eight interferograms: four for the reference state and four for the deformed state. [12] In this setup, each sensitivity direction is treated independently from the remaining. Thus, when using 4-frame phase stepping, it is necessary to acquire 4×3 interferograms in each state (at least 4×3×2 total). This is so because each sensitivity direction requires one set of four frames for the reference state and another for the deformed state, which are then processed to yield 3 phase difference maps, one per direction. Having obtained a wrapped phase map, it is then filtered and unwrapped using a method developed by Kemao [13] – [16]. The displacements u (X axis) and v (Y axis) can be calculated from these phase maps as [1]:

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