PSI - Issue 17

Takanori Hasegawa et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 17 (2019) 487–494 Takanori Hasegawa et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Table 4. Anomaly detection performance for DNN-based and AE-based fault detector.

DNN-based normal-anomaly classifier

AE-based novelty detector

operational conditions

normal 18944

faulty 1328 17613 7115 0.776


normal 16470

faulty 3792 18422 7240 0.806



0.934 0.716 0.983

0.813 0.748











5. Conclusion

In the present study, data-driven approaches were applied to FESD condition monitoring. A CNN-based classifier was introduced to identify fault modes such as non-helium and bad-oil operation states and has shown to be effective in identifying bad-oil states. The inputs in no-helium states were challenging to identify because a scattering of data differs depending on recordings. More general anomaly detection was also examined. DNN-based normal-anomaly classifier and AE-based novelty detectors were developed on data-driven features extracted by the CNN; These systems yielded comparable performances and confused the no-helium state with the normal state in the same manner. These results indicate that mismatch between training and testing data cannot be negligible, and more data are needed during training.


The authors would like to thank Sanken Electric Co., Ltd. for providing a FESD and for useful discussions.


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