PSI - Issue 16

Ihor Chudyk et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 16 (2019) 260–264 Ihor Chudyk et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



According to the NACE Standard RP0775-2005, the corrosion rate of G105 steel in the KF1 medium at 150 °C should be classified as high, and in the KF2 – as very high (severe). Such level of corrosion activity of the above mentioned killing fluids affects the durability of equipment and a drill tool operated at high temperatures. 4. Conclusions The main corrosive components of the killing fluids from the exploited wells determined by chemical analysis were chlorides. Corrosion tests showed severe corrosion aggressiveness of both tested killing fluids at the levels "HIGH" and "SEVERE" according to the NACE Standard RP0775-2005. High corrosion aggressiveness of the killing fluids, especially the KF2, can cause severe corrosion and facilitate mechanical damage of loaded critical elements due to stress concentration in pits formed at pitting corrosion. Pitting corrosion rate of the G105 drill pipe in the KF2 solution is 58.5 – 62.05 mm/year. 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