PSI - Issue 16

Lubomyr Poberezhny et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 16 (2019) 141–147 /XERP\U 3REHUH]KQ\ et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



serviceability. Similar regularities were earlier noted for material of drill pipes and sea pipelines (Maruschak et al. (2013); Kryzhanivskyy et al. (2014)). 4. Conclusion Corrosion behaviour of the low carbon ferrite pearlite St 20 steel of gathering pipeline under the mutual effect of the corrosion environment, mechanical stresses and hydrate formation was studied. The regularities of corrosion degradation of the steel under investigated conditions were determined. A change in the mechanism of corrosion in chloride media was found at increasing chloride concentration from 2.5 mol/L to higher concentration. The revealed more significant influence of mechanical stress on localized corrosion rate than on uniform corrosion one was associated with the formation of local galvanic elements on the metal surface and intensification of the metal dissolution in the tensile zone due to the weakening of interatomic interaction caused by increase the distance between grains. 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