PSI - Issue 14
K.C. Sahoo et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 14 (2019) 60–67 K. C. Sahoo Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000 K. C. Sahoo Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000 K. C. Sahoo Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000 K. C. Sahoo Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (20 8) 0 0 – 00 K. C. Sahoo Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000 K. C. Sahoo Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000
Fig.10 Creep curve prediction with CDM and FE-CDM in comparison to experimental at (a) 923, (b) 973, (c) 1023K Fig.10 Creep curve prediction with CDM and FE-CDM in comparison to experimental at (a) 923, (b) 973, (c) 1023K Fig.10 Creep curve prediction with CDM and FE-CDM in comparison to experimental at (a) 923, (b) 973, (c) 1023K Fig.10 Creep curve prediction ith C and FE-C in co parison to experimental at (a) 923, (b) 973, (c) 1023K Fig.10 Creep curve prediction with CDM and FE-CDM in comparison to experimental at (a) 923, (b) 973, (c) 1023K Fig.10 Creep curve prediction with CDM and FE-CDM in comparison to experimental at (a) 923, (b) 973, (c) 1023K
Fig. 11 Prediction of creep rupture life with experimental at various applied stress and temperatures. Fig. 11 Prediction of creep rupture life with experimental at various applied stress and temperatures. Fig. 11 Prediction of creep rupture life with experimental at various applied stress and temperatures. Fig. 11 Prediction of creep rupture life with experimental at various applied stress and temperatures. Fig. 11 Prediction of creep rupture life with experimental at various applied stress and temperatures. Fig. 11 Prediction of creep rupture life with experimental at various applied stress and temperatures. 4.0 Conclusions: Based on the creep deformation, FE-CDM analysis of creep deformation at 923-1023K the following conclusions have been drawn. The creep deformation of 304HCu SS was characterized by a longer tertiary stage creep rate with marginal steady state creep rate and limited primary creep rate. The stress dependence of steady state creep rate obeyed Norton’s creep law with moderate values of stress exponent (n) which decreases with increase in temperature. Increase in temperature results increase in recovery rate leading to decrease in steady state creep rate. Further, Monkman-Grant relationship between steady state creep rate and rupture life was obeyed by 304HCu SS at 923-1023K suggesting larger creep strain during tertiary stages of creep deformation. 4.0 Conclusions: Based on the creep deformation, FE-CDM analysis of creep deformation at 923-1023K the following conclusions have been drawn. The creep deformation of 304HCu SS was characterized by a longer tertiary stage creep rate with marginal steady state creep rate and limited primary creep rate. The stress dependence of steady state creep rate obeyed Norton’s creep law with moderate values of stress exponent (n) which decreases with increase in temperature. Increase in temperature results increase in recovery rate leading to decrease in steady state creep rate. Further, Monkman-Grant relationship between steady state creep rate and rupture life was obeyed by 304HCu SS at 923-1023K suggesting larger creep strain during tertiary stages of creep deformation. 4.0 Conclusions: Based on the creep deformation, FE-CDM analysis of creep deformation at 923-1023K the following conclusions have been drawn. The creep deformation of 304HCu SS was char cterized by a longer tertiary stage creep rate with marginal steady state creep rate and limited primary creep rate. The stress dependence of steady state creep rate obeyed Norton’s creep law with moderate values of stress exponent (n) which decreases with increase in temperature. Increase in temperature results increase in recovery rate l ading to decrease in steady state creep rate. Further, Monkman-Grant relationship between steady state creep rate and rupture life was obeyed by 304HCu SS at 923-1023K suggesting larger creep strain during tertiary stages of creep deformation. 4.0 Conclusions: Based on the creep defor ation, F - analysis of creep deformation at 923-1023K the following conclusions have been dra n. he creep defor ation of 304HCu SS was characterized by a longer tertiary stage creep rate ith marginal steady state creep rate and li ited pri ary creep r te. he stress dependence of steady state creep rate obeyed orton’s creep la ith moderate values of stress exponent (n) which decreases with increase in te perature. Increase in te perature results increase in recovery rate leading to decrease in steady state creep rate. Further, Monkman-Grant relationship between steady state creep rate and rupture life was obeyed by 304HCu SS at 923-1023K suggesting larger creep strain during tertiary stages of creep deformation. 4.0 Conclusions: Based on the creep deformation, FE-CDM analysis of creep deformation at 923-1023K the following conclusions hav been drawn. The creep deformation of 304HCu SS was cha cterized by a longer tertiary stage creep rate with marginal steady state cr ep rate and limited primary creep rate. The stress dependence of steady state creep rate obeyed Norton’ creep law with moderate values of stress exponent (n) which decreases with increase in temperature. Increase in temperatur results incr ase in recovery rate l ading to decrease in steady state creep rate. Further, onkman-Grant relationship between steady state creep rate and rupture life was obeyed by 304HCu SS at 923-1023K suggesting larger creep strain during tertiary stages of creep deformation. 4.0 Conclusions: Based on th creep deformation, FE-CDM analysis of creep deformation at 923-1023K the following conclusions hav been drawn. The creep deformation of 304HCu SS was char cterized by a longer tertiary stage creep rate with marginal steady state creep rate and limited primary creep rate. The stress dependen e of teady state creep rate obeyed Norton’ creep law with moderate values of stress exponent (n) which decreases with increase in temperature. Increase in temperatu results ncr ase in recovery rate l ading to decreas n ste dy state creep rate. Further, Monkman-Grant relationship betwee steady sta e creep rate and rupture life was obeyed by 304HCu SS at 923-1023K suggesting larger creep strain during tertiary stages of creep deformation.
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