PSI - Issue 14

Dipankar Bora et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 14 (2019) 537–543 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000



the mid-point of the tube wall at the impacted end. For Armco iron, when the Lode angle is considered material failure takes place very rapidly as compared to when the Lode angle is not considered.

(a) Damage with time

(b) Equivalent plastic strain with time

Fig. 5. Effect of lode angle on damage and Equivalent plastic strain

Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the SERB, DST for supporting this research under project SR/FTP/ETA-0008/2014. References Bao, Y., Wierzbicki, T., 2005. On the Cut-off Value of Negative Triaxiality for Fracture. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 72, 1049–1069. Barsoum, I., Faleskog, J., Pingle, S., 2011. The Influence of the Lode Parameter on Ductile Fracture Strain in Steel. Procedia Engineering 10, 69– 75. Echávarri, B., 2012. Flow and Fracture Behaviour of High Performance Alloy. PhD Thesis, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Erice, B., Galvez, F., 2014. A Coupled Elastoplastic-damage Constitutive Model with Lode Angle Dependent Failure Criterion. International Journal of Solids and Structures 51, 93–110. Galib, D., Limam, A., Combescure.A., 2006. Influence of Damage on The Prediction of Axial Crushing Behavior of Thin-Walled Aluminum Extruded Tubes. International Journal of Crashworthiness 11, 1-12. Gautam, S. S, Dixit, P. M., 2012. Numerical Simulation of Ductile Fracture in Cylindrical Tube Impacted Against A Rigid Surface. International Journal of Damage Mechanics 21, 341-371 Johnson, G. R., Cook, W. H., 1985. Fracture Characteristics of Three Metals Subjected to Various Strains, Strain Rates, Temperatures and Pressures. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 21, 31–48. Jones, N., 1998. Structural Impact. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Mirone, G., Barbagallo, R., Corallo, D., 2016. A New Yield Criteria Including the Effect of Lode Angle and Stress Triaxiality. Procedia Structural Integrity 2, 3684–3696. Moxnes, J. F., Froyland, O., 2016. Mathematical Relations Related to the Lode Parameter for Studies of Ductility. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics 10, 113–124. Wang, B., Lu, G., 2002. Mushrooming of Circular Tubes Under Dynamic Axial Loading. Thin-Walled Structures 40, 167-182. Xue, L., 2007. Ductile Fracture Modeling - Theory, Experimental Investigation and Numerical Verification. PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Xue, L., 2008. Constitutive Modelling of Void Shearing Effect in Ductile Fracture of Porous Materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 75, 3343–3366.

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