PSI - Issue 12

N. Bosso et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 12 (2018) 330–343


N. Bosso et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000


Wu, Q., Spiryagin M., Cole, C., 2016. Longitudinal Train Dynamics: An Overview. Vehicle System Dynamics 54(12),1688-1714. Wu, Q., Spiryagin, M., Cole, C., Chang, C., Guo, G., Sakalo, A., Wei, W., et al., 2018. International Benchmarking of Longitudinal Train Dynamics Simulators: Results. Vehicle System Dynamics 56 (3), 343-365. Wu, Q., Luo, S., Cole, C., 2014. Longitudinal Dynamics and Energy Analysis for Heavy Haul Trains. Journal of Modern Transportation 22(3), 127-136. Wu, Q., Luo, S., Xu, Z., Ma, W., Wei, C., 2012. Large DOF coupler/draft Gear System Models for Rail Vehicles. Applied Mechanics and Materials 197.

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