PSI - Issue 11
R. Capozucca et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 402–409
R. Capozuc
ca, E. Magagnin
i, M.V. Vecchietti
/ Structural Inte
grity Procedia 0
0 (2018) 000–000
Fig. 3. View o
f first three vibra
tion modes r=1…
3 at D 0 – B2.
1. b 4. Set up for dyn able 2. Theoretic uency values un -Bernoulli unifo -Bernoulli unifo rm beam with fr rimental average rimental average dynamic test d by notches was also art o the longitud luence of thi roove; the GF t =1040 N/mm grooves fill ut for FE be rimental tests lts are quite s sponse. d by bending used by the c static bendin the beam B2.
eam 2. accelerom amic tests of bea al and experimen damaged Beam rm beam with fre rm beam with hin ee-free ends - FE values with free values with hing ificially dama inal developm s damage. Th RP rod was ² and Young ed with epox am model. In and numeri imilar and the tests racking of the g test (Fig. 6 s on damage
eter 3. impact h m B1with hinge tal frequency va D 0 e-free ends ge-hinge ends M -free ends – B2 e-hinge ends – B
ammer 4. analyze -hinge condition lues of undamag f 1 [Hz] 126.20 64.18
r FFT 5. PC and instrumentat
ion for dynamic
T Freq Euler Euler Unifo Expe Expe
ed RC beam. f 2 [Hz]
f 3 [Hz]
347.70 222.51 334.65 350.00 248.00
681.80 500.66 633.15 659.00 679.00
124.70 130.00
3. E 3.1. T direc to ev inser tensi beam analy obta expe on th
xperimental Beam damage he beam B2 tion normal t aluate the inf ted into the g le strength f f B2 with the sis carried o ined by expe rimental resu e vibration re Beam damage he damage ca a. During the obtained for
d RC beam
to 20 ∙ 20mm vibration ana diameter of tics: experim merical mod d from the m frequency v he numerical a very small e
ged at the e ent of the be e same beam characterized ’s modulus E y resin and th Table 3 the cal analysis a influence of
xtrados with am; beam B2 was reinforce by the follow f =33.60kN/m e first three numerical a re shown. It strengthening
notches of s was subjecte d with a GFR ing mechanic m². Figure 5 vibrational m nd experimen is possible by resin into
ection equal d to dynamic P rod with a al characteris shows the nu odes obtaine tal results of to note that t notches has
with lysis 9mm ental eling odal alues and ffect
T in c. were
concrete is a ) four damage
bsolutely the degree step
most commo s with the inc
n type of dam reasing of loa
age for the b d P, D* 1 , ...,
eams D* 4 ,
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