PSI - Issue 11
Pablo Benítez et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 60–67 Benítez et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000
5. Conclusion
This paper has shown that almost half of the structures of the case study have presented values that could classify the infrastructures of Asunción under conditions of carbonation-induced corrosion risk. Besides the concrete quality, the cover thickness should also be considered as a determining factor for the corrosion onset. Nevertheless, the reported values of cover thickness were many times below the values recommended by the standards, presenting critical cases where the thickness measured was even 1 mm. The lack of control during the construction phases becomes determinant for these cases. Consequently, an outlook for the inspection planning as a stage of maintenance strategies was performed in order to preserve the durability of RC structures against corrosion. This analysis has shown that the inspection planning is very sensitive against the detectability of the inspection technique. Moreover, the corrosion rate is very influential in the times of failure, meaning that structural elements in more aggressive environments must consider the durability criteria more carefully. Then, future works on this area should address the effectiveness of the repair techniques available in Paraguay and/or developing new inspections techniques based on non-destructive standards.
This project has been funded with support of the European Commission. This publication/communication reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein - ELARCH program (Project Reference number: 552129-EM-1-2014-1-IT-ERA MUNDUS-EMA21).
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