PSI - Issue 11

Michela Monaco et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 388–393 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000



All the experiments were interrupted before the collapse of the panels, since “… the total destruction of the walls was not proposed because repair and strengthening issues are to be studied ” (Doran et al., 2017). Nevertheless, a diagonal crack extended to all the panels can be recognized. The mechanical parameters involved are those included in the paper by Doran (2017), based on experimental tests performed by the authors and reported in Table 1.









WA1 num WA2 num WA3 num WA4 num











Fig. 3. (a) Experimental vs numerical horizontal load-displacement curves; (b) Masonry panel after the test (Doran et al., 2017)

The data relative to both mortar and bricks are derived from the paper by Doran, while those relative to masonry have been derived by the authors to fit the experimental curves. The low values of the Young modulus of masonry are justified by the brick-mortar arrangement in the masonry panel, in which the mortar bed joint are almost the same thickness of the bricks (Buonocore et al., 2014). Therefore the influence of the mortar mechanical parameters on the whole behavior of masonry is higher. As it can be noted, there is a good agreement between the numerical and the experimental push-over curves. 4. Conclusions An energy-based approach has been presented to model the in-plane behaviour of masonry, panel, schematized as an Euler-Bernoulli cantilever beam. The energy minimization gives as a result the inclination of the strut in the masonry panel and the displacement map along the cantilever beam. The agreement between the first numerical tests and experimental results is satisfactory, although it is actually limited to the comparison horizontal load displacement curves in masonry panels, to so to be confident about future developments of the procedure Bergamasco, I., Gesualdo, A., Iannuzzo, A., Monaco, M., 2018. An integrated approach to the conservation of the roofing structures in the Pompeian domus, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 31, 141-151. Buonocore, G., Gesualdo, A., Monaco, M., Savino, M. T., 2014. Improvement of Seismic Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings using Steel Frames. Civil-Comp Proceedings, 106. Betti, M., Galano, L., Petracchi, M. and Vignoli, A., 2015. Diagonal cracking shear strength of unreinforced masonry panels: a correction proposal of the b shape factor. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 13(10), 3151-3186. Calderini, C., Cattari, S., Lagomarsino, S., 2010. In-plane strength of unreinforced masonry piers, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 38(2), 243-267. Calderoni, B., Cordasco, E. A., Lenza, P., Pacella, G., 2011. A simplified theoretical model for the evaluation of structural behaviour of masonry spandrels. International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity, 5(2-3), 192-214. Calderoni, B., Cordasco, E. A., Pacella, G., Onotri, V., 2016. Critical issues in the assesment of seismic vulnerability of historical masonry buildings: A study case, Brick and Block Masonry: Trends, Innovations and Challenges - Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, IBMAC Doran, B., Orhun Koksal, H., Aktan, S., Ulukaya, S., Oktay, D., Yuzer, N., 2017. In-Plane Shear Behavior of Traditional Masonry Walls. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 11(2), 278-291. applications. References

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