PSI - Issue 11
Gibson R. Meira et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 122–129
Author nam
e / Structural Inte
grity Procedia 0
0 (2018) 000–00 0
. Evolution of th
e corrosion pote
saturated calcium
hydroxide solu
tion (Ca(OH)2) +
0.2M of potassi
um hydroxide (K
Fig. 3
ntial for TC with
Fig. 4
. Evolution of th
e corrosion pote
ntial for TC with
saturated calcium
hydroxide solu
tion (Ca(OH)2) +
0.5M of potassi
um hydroxide (K
Fig. 5. Evolu
tion, over time,
of the corrosion c
urrent density fo
r the TC with sat
urated calcium h
ydroxide solution
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