PSI - Issue 11

Gabriela Lotufo Oliveira et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 242–249 Gabriela Lotufo Oliveira, Fabiana Lopes de Oliveira, Sérgio Brazolin / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000



5. Conclusions Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) panels assembled in tropical climates are more susceptible to building pathologies caused by fungi and xylophagous insects, since in those locations there are more aggressive environmental conditions, related to biodiversity, temperature and humidity, than cold and dry climates. Therefore, the adoption of strategies to protect structural components, such as preservation treatment, is essential to ensure adequate performance and durability of the construction system, which is expected to last for at least 50 years. Three countries with tropical climates and where CLT panels have been frequently used in the past years are the USA, Australia and Brazil. In this paper, their potential for decay was discussed, as well as the preservation treatments standards adopted in each of them. The bigger amount of decay agents considered in the Brazilian preservation standards and the country climate-index map, based on the Scheffer’s index, indicate that there are more favorable conditions for decay to occur in Brazil, than there are in Australia and the USA. Furthermore, a case study was conducted. Samples of CCB-treated pinewood, which could be used as raw material for CLT production in Brazil, were submitted to testing to identify the penetration and the retention of the preservative. The results show insufficient retention and penetration of the preservative in most of the samples. Hence, this case study indicates the importance of a quality control process of the CLT production. Considering that in Brazil the climate conditions are most conductive to decay, CCB-treated wood used in the Brazilian CLT manufacture must be especially verified during the quality control process, in order to certify the adequacy of the preservation treatment parameters according to the standards. Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge CAPES/CNPq for the financial support and Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo (IPT) for conducting the laboratory tests. References ANSI/APA – The Engineered Wood Association, 2018. Standard for Performance Rated Cross-Laminated Timber PGR 320-2012. Tacoma. Associação Brasileira De Normas Técnicas – ABNT, 2013a. NBR 6232 – Penetração e retenção de preservativos em madeira tratada sob pressão. Rio de Janeiro. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT, 2013b. NBR 15575 – Edificações Habitacionais — Desempenho. Rio de Janeiro. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT, 2013c. NBR 16143 – Preservação de madeiras – Sistema de categorias de uso. Rio de Janeiro. American Wood Protection Association - AWPA, 2017. Use Category System: User specifications for treated wood (U1-17). Australian Standard - AS, 2012. Specification for preservative treatment. Part 1: Sawn and round timber. Australian Standard AS 1604.1-2012. Standards Australia, Sydney, New South Wales. Carll, C. G. 2009. Decay hazard (Scheffer) index values calculated from 1971–2000 climate normal data. General Technical Report FPL-GTR-179. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, pp. 17. Foliente, G. C.; Leicester, R. H.; Cole, I.; Mackenzie, C., 1999. Development of a reliability-based durability design method for timber construction. In: Lacasse, M.A. and Vanier, D.J. (Ed.), Proc 8th International Conf. on Durability of Building Materials and Components. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, v. 2, 1289−1298. Lelis, A. T.; Brazolin, S.; Fernandes, J. L. G.; Lopez, G. A. C.; Monteiro, M. B. B.; Zenid, G. J., 2001. Biodeterioração de madeiras em edificações. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo - IPT, São Paulo. Martins, V. A.; Alves, M. V.; Silva, J. F. S.; Rebello, E. R. G.; Pinho, G. S. C. de, 2003. Umidade de equilíbrio e risco de apodrecimento da madeira em condições de serviço no Brasil. Brasil Florestal, v. 22, n. 76, 29-34. Milano, S; Fontes, L.C., 2002. Cupim e cidade: implicações ecológicas e controle. Conquista Artes Gráficas, São Paulo, pp. 141. Morrell, J. J., 2006. Chromate Copper Arsenate as a Wood Preservative. In: Environmental Impacts of Treated Wood, T.G. Townsend and H. Solo Gabriele (Ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, 5-17. Oliveira, A. M. F.; Lelis, A. T. de; Lepage, E. S.; Lopez, G. A. C.; Oliveira, L. C. S. de; Cañedo, M. D.; Milano, S., 1986. Agentes destruidores da madeira. In: Lepage, E. S. (Coord.). Manual de preservação de madeiras. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo - IPT, São Paulo, v. 1, cap. 5, 99-278. Scheffer, T. C., 1971. A climate index for estimating potential for decay in wood structures above ground. Forest Products Journal, v. 21 n. 10. West, D. C., 2004. Health Effects of Preserved Wood: Relationship Between CCA-Treated Wood and Incidence of Cancer in the United States. Conference Paper from Environmental Impacts of Preservative -Treated Wood Conference, Orlando, Florida.

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