PSI - Issue 11
P. Bamonte et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 322–330
Bamonte and A.
Taliercio/ Structu
ral Integrity Pro
cedia 00 (2018)
of th chim phen
e chimney, w ney was use omena by the
as used und d for linear a eXtended Fi
er axisymme nalyses, wher nite Element
tric loads, n eas the reduc Method (XFE
amely change ed model wa M) – see e.g.
s in tempera s used for de Fries and Be
ture. The glo tailed analys lytschko (201
bal model o es of the crac 0).
f the king
(b) built in ABAQU
Fig. 4. Geomet (b) reduced mo ercial softw ucture, it is les of the fin radial coordi sts of tetrahe eas a finer m stic analyses anisotropic and mortar w d a Poisson s were assum
ry of the models del. are ABAQUS expedient to ite element a nate, the ci dra: quadratic esh of linear are listed in T behavior of m ere assumed ’s ratio equal ed to be of sta
S: (a) global mo
Fig. 3
. Crack pattern i
n the chimney be
fore 2015 (Anza
ni et al., 2012).
T the t syste coor the a in th the n T the com mod Mor
he two mode wo models. m. All the m dinate system xial coordina e linear elast onlinear anal he mechanica flat-jack test puted using s ulus of 1000 tar joints wer
ls were devel Because of t aterial prope . From here te (increasing ic analyses of ysis of the red l properties o were not suf ome homoge 0 MPa and 1 e assumed to
oped by mean he axisymme rties and the onwards, r w upwards). Th the entire ch uced model. f masonry us ficient to cha nization proc 000 MPa, re be 10 mm-thi
s of the comm try of the str output variab ill denote the e mesh consi imney, wher ed in the ela racterize the edure. Bricks spectively, an ck, and brick
. Fig. 4 show adopt a cylin nalyses will b rcumferential elements (DC elements (DC able 2. As th asonry, thes to be isotrop to 0.15 and ndard size (2
s the geomet drical coord e referred to coordinate, a 3D10) were 3D4) was us e values give e properties ic, with an e 0.2, respecti 50 120 55 m
ry of inate this nd z used ed in n by were lastic vely. m 3 ).
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