PSI - Issue 11
Petr Stepanek et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 12–19
Petr Stepanek a
t al. / Structural
Integrity Proced
ia 00 (2018) 000–
the P desig T viny reinf 90, spec chan 2.2. For was At lo conf refer
REFA KOM nation GFRP he vinyl este l ester resin a orcement at d 180 and 360 imens were s ge between 1 The results exposure time destroyed. Ev wer tempera irmed by an o ence one, the
POZITY, a.s. -E were used r resin Ashla nd siliceous s efined expos days respecti tored in cont 2.66 and 12.9
manufacturer . nd Derakane and. The aim ure times. So vely. The alk ainers filled 7.
. ECR fibres 411-45 was of the experi far, the specim aline solution with alkaline
(R25H 2400, used as a ma ments was to ens were su was prepare solution at 2
manufacturer trix. The cov determine th bjected to alk d according 0 °C, 40 °C
3B; 80% by er/adhesive l e level of deg aline conditio to ACI 440.3 and 60 °C a
weight), spec ayer was mad radation of G ns for 1000 h R (2012). Al nd the pH v
imen e of FRP ours, l test alues
rebar sible. been h the
365 days in en after clean tures 20 and 4 ptical micros re was a cons
an alkaline s ing, a precipi 0 °C, the deg cope analysis iderable diffe
olution at 60 tated layer of radation of t . When comp rence in the su
°C, the adhe hydroxide an he surface wa aring the rein rface structu
sion of the sa d calcium ca s not so sign forcement sto re (see Fig. 1)
nd surface la rbonate was s ificant. These red in alkalin .
yer with the till clearly vi results have e solution wit
Fig. 1. Reference
GFRP-E reinfor
cement stored in
a laboratory env alkaline solution n a series of ests according ally presented
ironment expose at 40 °C (right)
d to air (left); GF
RP-E reinforcem
ent stored 365 da
ys in
F mini are s
or each obse mum of six s ummarized in
rved time, t amples. Tens Table 2 and
ensile tests o ile strength t 3 and graphic
GFRP reinf to ISO 1040 in Fig. 2 and
orcement sp 6-1 (2015) w 3.
ecimens were ere done. Th
performed e obtained re
for a sults
52 57 62 67 72 77 82 Tensile strength [MPa] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20° 40° 60°
xposure time and ngth are clea about 25 %. H on coefficien eviation. 292 Immersion time
342 [days]
Fi rom the obta orcement. Fo elatively larg eds 0.1. Dot l
g. 2. Dependence ined results, r GFRP-E spe e variance of ines on the Fi
of tensile streng the percentag cimens the te the obtained g. 2 denote th
th of GFRP-E re e decreases o nsile strength results, whe e mean value
inforcement on e f tensile stre reduction is re the variati +- standard d
temperature of s rly visible fo owever, it is t in some tes
olution r degraded G necessary to ted configura
F reinf the r exce
FRP note tions
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