PSI - Issue 11
Francesca Giulia Carozzi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 355–362 F.G. Carozzi et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000
The reinforcement materials were very efficient since the maximum load reached on the unreinforced panel was increased by 3.5 and 4 times by the contribution of G-TRM and cG-TRM systems respectively. After the end of the elastic phase the reinforced structures were able to further increase the load and, in the case of cG-TRM, to carry a high load constant for larger displacement values. The panel reinforced with G-TRM-NSM reached a maximum load equal to 1.7 times the un-reinforced one. The panel presents a different behavior in the two sides due to the different reinforcement systems applied. The side strengthened with the NSM presents a lower stiffness and failed due to the diagonal cracking. In this paper only the experimental results are described, in future works these results will be compared with analytical and numerical models in order to validate these data and elaborate an analytical procedure that could be useful to define design guide lines for the strengthening with TRM systems.
T.C.S. s.r.l. is gratefully acknowledged by the authors for providing support for the experimental in-situ investigation and for the strengthening material. These tests were performed with the contribution of the Testing Laboratory for Materials, Structures and Constructions of Politecnico di Milano, the support of the technicians Antonio Cocco and Paolo Broglia is gratefully acknowledged
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