PSI - Issue 11

P. Condoleo et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 290–297



P. Co

ndoleo and A. T

aliercio/ Structur

al Integrity Proc

edia 00 (2018) 0


I evo mak mig

n the continu lution will be e the buildin ht also be imp a

ation of the r assessed. As g act as a box roved to tie t

esearch, the the micropilin -type structur he building w

effectiveness g system inst e and resist o alls more effe

of possible i alled so far h verturning of ctively. b

nterventions o as not proven the external

n the contain effective, tie walls. The sti

ment of the s could be add ffness of the

crack ed to floors



Fig. the r

9. Maximum prin egion experiencin

cipal stress in th g ground settlem

e model of the u ents; (d) self-we

ncracked buildin ight + ground se

g: (a) self-weigh ttlements + seism

t only; (b) self-w ic action.

eight + ground s

ettlements; (c) d

etail of




Fig. regio Ref Anza o Docc Dogl E Giuf Lour Mast NTC Sivie

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rincipal stress in round settlement

the model with s.

open cracks: (a)

self-weight only

; (b) self-weigh

t + ground settle

ments; (c) detail

of the

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