PSI - Issue 11
Paolo Zampieri et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 436–443
Zampieri et a
l./ Structural Int
egrity Procedia
00 (2018) 000–00 0
Fig. 5. Configur
ation of the speci
Results of exp uring the tes m to be assoc n in Figure lacement d k , a ll three initia ng the test, it ined unchang e 3 shifted fr ased, at 165. position 33 ined unchang
erimental tes t, images we iated with th 6, three diff s shown in th l cracking hin was seen tha ed (Figure 7a om position 1 mm (Figure to position 30 ed until align
ting re continuous e configuratio erent collapse e graph in Fig ges were cre t up until a c ) in relation t 34 to positio 7c), hinge 1 , and hinge ment of the th
D syste show disp A Duri rema hing incre from rema
ly recorded t n of the arch mechanism ure 9. ated at a disp ertain displac o the initial c n 33, and hi instantly shif 1 remained u ree hinges at
hat allowed t collapse mech configuration lacement equ ement of d k onfiguration. nges 1 and 2 ted from posi nchanged. Fo the instant in
he displacem anism (Figur s can be id al to 2.7 mm = 153.6 mm, At a displace remained un tion 3 to posi llowing this, which the arc
ent imposed b e 6). Specific entified for d at joint 3, join the configura ment of 153. changed. As tion 7, hinge the configura h collapsed (
y the mecha ally, in the im ifferent valu t 18 and join tion of the h 6 mm (Figure the displace 3 instantly sh tion of the h Figure 7d).
nical ages es of t 34. inges 7b), ment ifted inges
. 6. Collapse me
chanism configu
ration of experim
ental arch specim
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