PSI - Issue 11

J.H.A. Rocha et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 107–113



J.H.A. Rocha e

t al. / Structural I

ntegrity Procedi

a 00 (2018) 000–


5:00 of in

PM, taking th spected envir

ermograms a onment were

t one hour int recorded by a

ervals. In add thermohygro

ition, values meter.

of ambient tem

perature and

relative hum


Fig. 1. (a) B

uilding location

and (b) scheme

of subject wall. S

ource: Google E

arth (2017).

F ig. 2. Main faça

de of the building .

D spac A othe E know temp Tem cons this F by h deter

istance betwe e availability FLIR E-60 c r characteristi missivity of t n emissivity erature of th perature was ists on measu parameter wa or analysis of umidity (ref ioration. 2 T P Δ = here: T = Temperat 1 = Dry area t 2 = Temperat ig. 3 shows lo

en the subjec in the room a amera with a cs (FLIR 201 he subject w , where a pie e tape is inte obtained by ring the temp s determined results, we u erence area)

t wall and th nd the potenti resolution o 3), was used. all was determ ce is placed o racted. This means of re erature of an for each therm sed the therm with an are

e thermograp al for capturin f 320x240 pix ined by the n the wall an corresponds flection meth aluminum pi ogram. al contrast exp a influenced

hic camera w g the whole els and a the "black tape m d then emissi with materia od described ece folded an ressed in Equ by humidit

as 2 meters, a affected area. rmal sensitiv ethod", whic vity value up l emissivity. in the camer d kneaded usi ation 1, whic y that prese

value that w ity lower than h consists of to the tempe The value o a manual (FL ng the value h compares a nts physical

as consistent 0,05 ° C, am using a tape rature of the btained was IR 2013), w as emissivity region unaff characteristic

with ong with same 0.94. hich of 1; ected s of

1 P −



e between the C) a affected by ts P1 and P2

dry area and water (° C). in the subject

the area affec

ted by water

ure differenc emperature (° ure of the are cation of poin

(° C)



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