PSI - Issue 10

I. Georgiopoulos et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 10 (2018) 280–287


I. Georgiopoulos et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000


Nimonic/NiCrAlY(APS)/ YSZ(SPS)


Fig. 6. Photos of the ceramic coating surface structure before thermal cycling testing.

For the Nimonic/NiCrAlY(APS)/YSZ(SPS) samples spallation occurred after 3 long cycles at 1200°C (Fig. 7), while no spallation occurred after 14 long cycles (Fig. 8), as well as after 57 short cycles at 1100°C (Fig. 9). For the Nimonic/NiCrAlY(APS)/YSZ(SPS)/LA(SPPS), that is YSZ (SPS) top coated with LaAlO 3 over layer using SPPS method, spallation at 1200 °C occurred after 4 long cycles and after 40 short cycles, as shown in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, respectively. At 1100 °C no spallation occurred after 4 long and 57 sh ort cycles, as shown in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13, respectively.


Fig. 7. Thermal cycling at 1200°C, after 3 long cycles.

Fig. 8. Thermal cycling at 1100°C, after 14 long cycles.

Fig. 9. Thermal cycling at 1100°C, after 57 short cycles.


Fig. 10. Thermal cycling at 1200°C, after 4 long cycles.

Fig. 11. Thermal cycling at 1200°C, after 40 short cycles.

Fig. 12. Thermal cycling at 1100°C, after 14 long cycles.

Fig. 13. Thermal cycling at 1100°C, after 57 short cycles.

In Table 2 below the results of the thermal cycling performance of the two TBC systems studied herein are exhibited.

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