PSI - Issue 1
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ScienceDirect Procedia Structural Integrity 1 (2016) 001–001 Available online at Av ilable online at ww.sciencedire ScienceDirect Structural Integ ity Procedia 00 (2016) 000 – 000 This book contains the abstracts of the presentations at the XV Portuguese Conference on Fracture. This series of conferences, are organized every two years by Portuguese researchers since 1987, in the sequence of the organization in 1984, of the Fifth European Conference on Fracture, in Lisbon, and are devoted to several aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of diverse materials, from metals to composites. In 2016 the conference is held at Escola Nautica Infante D. Henrique in Paço de Arcos, in the beautiful Estoril coast, from 10 th to 12 th February, co-organized jointly by Instituto Superior Técnico, under the auspices of the Fracture Division of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and ESIS, European Structural Integrity Society. For this conference, the organizing committee has decided to publish the papers under the new open access journal Structural Integrity Procedia, edited by Elsevier and available at ScienceDirect. We are proud to announce that this edition will be the first one of this new series of on-line journal. This will improve the visibility of the scientific work of portuguese researchers devoted to diverse aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of metals and composites. Special thanks are due to the invited speakers, Professors, Luca Susmel from the University of Sheffield, UK, Sofia T ixeira de Freitas from the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, Mário Vaz from Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Dr-Ing. Uwe Zerbst from BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany. A total of 73 scientific works were submitted, on a wide range of topics, from Biomedical (8 papers), Composites (14 papers), Fatigue of metals (26 papers), Fracture (15 papers) and materials processing (10 papers). The organizing committee is grateful to the all authors by their participation allowing scientists and engineers to present and exchange new data and cutting edge deas during the presenta ions a d social events. The organizing committee is grateful to the support given by : Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais, IDMEC – Instituto de Engenharia Mecân ca, Escola Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Instron, Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Structural Integrity Society. This book contains the abstracts of the presentations at the XV Portuguese Conference on Fracture. This series of conferences, are organized every two years by Portuguese researchers since 1987, in the sequence of the organization in 1984, of the Fifth European Conference on Fracture, in Lisbon, and are devot d to s veral aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of diverse materials, from metals to composites. In 2 16 the conference is held at Escola Nautica Infante D. Henrique in Paço de Arcos, in the beautiful Estoril coast, from 10 th to 12 th February, co-organized jointly by Instituto Superior Técnico, under the auspices of the Fracture Division of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and ESIS, European Structural Integrity Society. For this conference, the organizing committee has decided to publish the papers under the new open access journal Structural Integrity Procedia, edited by Elsevier and available at ScienceDirect. We are proud to announce that this edition will be the first one of this new series of on-line journal. This will improve the visibility of the scientific work of portuguese researchers devoted to diverse aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of metals and composites. Special thanks are due to the invited speakers, Professors, Luca Susmel from the University of Sheffield, UK, Sofia Teixeira de Freitas from the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, Mário Vaz from Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Dr-Ing. Uwe Zerbst from BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany. A total of 73 scientific works were submitted, on a wide range of topics, from Biomedical (8 papers), Composites (14 papers), Fatigue of metals (26 papers), Fracture (15 papers) and materi ls processing (10 papers). The organizing committee is grateful to the all authors by their participation allowing scientists and engineers to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas during the presentations and social events. The organizing committee is grateful to the support given by : Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais, IDMEC – Instituto de Engenhari Mecânica, Esco a Superi r Nautica Infante D. Henrique, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Instron, Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Structural Integrity Society. This book contains the abstracts of the presentations at the XV Portuguese Conference on Fracture. This series of conferences, are organized every two years by Portuguese researchers since 1987, in the sequence of the organization in 1984, of the Fifth European Conference on Fracture, in Lisbon, and are devoted to several aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of diverse materials, from metals to composites. In 2016 the conference is h ld at Escola Nautica Infante D. Henrique in Paço de Arcos, in the beautiful Estoril coast, from 10 th to 12 th February, co-organized jointly by Instituto Superior Técnico, under the auspices of the Fracture Division of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and ESIS, European Structural Integrity Society. For this conference, the organizing committee has decided to publish the papers under the new open access journal Structural Integrity Procedia, edited by Elsevier and available at ScienceDirect. We are proud to an ounce that this edition will be the first one of this new series of on-line journal. This will improve the visibility of the scientific work of portuguese researchers devoted to diverse aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of metals and composites. Special thanks are due to the invited speakers, Professors, Luca Susmel from the University of Sheffield, UK, Sofia Teixeira de Freitas from the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, Mário Vaz from Faculdade de Engenharia da Universida e do Porto, Portugal and Dr-Ing. Uwe Zerbst from BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany. A total of 73 scientific works were submitted, on a wide range of topics, from Biomedical (8 papers), Composites (14 papers), Fatigue of metals (26 papers), Fracture (15 papers) and materials process ng (10 papers). The organizing committee is grateful to the all authors by their participation allowing scientists and engineers to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas during the presentations and social vents. The organizing committee is grateful to the support given by : Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais, IDMEC – Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica, Escola Superior Nautica Infant D. Henrique, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Instron, Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Structural Integrity Society. Welcome Message This book contains the abstracts of the presentations at the XV Portugues Conference on Fracture. This series of conferenc s, are organized very two years by Portuguese researchers since 1987, in the sequence of the rganization in 1984, of the Fifth Europ an Conference on Fracture, in Lisbon, and are devoted to several aspects of fracture m chanics and fatigue of dive se materials, from metals to composites. In 2016 the conference is held at Escola Nautica Infante D. Henrique in Paço de Arcos, in the beautiful Estoril coast, from 10 th to 12 th February, co-organiz jointly by Instituto Superior Técnico, under the auspices of the Fracture Division of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and ESIS, European Structural Integrity Society. For this conference, the organizing committee has decided to publish the papers under the new open access journal Structural Integri y Procedia, edi ed by Elsevier and available at Sci nceDirect. We are proud to announce that this edition will be the first ne of this new series of on-line journal. This will improve the visibility of the scientific work of portuguese researchers devoted to diverse aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of metals and composites. Special thanks re due to the invited s eakers, Professors, Luca Susmel from the University of Sheffield, UK, Sofia Teixeira de Fr itas from the Technical U iversi y of Delft, The Netherlands, Mário Vaz from Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Dr-Ing. Uwe Zerbst from BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany. A total of 73 scientific works were submitted, on a wide range of topics, from Biomedical (8 papers), Composites ( 4 a ers), Fatigue of metals (26 papers), Fracture (15 papers) and materials processing (10 papers). The organizing committee is grateful to the all authors by their participation allowing scientists and engineers to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas during the presentations and social events. The organizing committee is grateful to the support given by : Sociedade Portugues de Mat riais, IDMEC – Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica, Escola Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Instron, Câmara Municipal de O iras, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Structural Integrity Society. Welcome Message This book contains the abstracts of the present tions at the XV Portuguese Conference on r ctur . This series of conferences, are organized every tw y ars by Portuguese researchers since 1987, in the sequence of the organization in 1984, of the Fif h European Confer nce on Fracture, in Lisbon, and are devoted to several aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of diverse materials, from metals to compo ites. In 2016 the co fe ence is held at Esc la Nautica Infante D. Henriqu in Paço de Arcos, in the b autiful Estoril coast, from 10 th to 12 th February, co-organized jointly by Ins ituto Superior Técnico, under the auspic s of the Fracture Division of the Sociedade Po tuguesa de Materiais and ESIS, Eur pean Structural Integrity Society. Fo this c fer nce, the organizing commi tee has decided to publish the papers under the new open acc ss journal Structural Integrity Proc dia, edited by Elsevier and available at ScienceDirect. We are proud to announce that this edition will be the first one of this new series of on-line journal. This will improve the visibility of the scientific work of portuguese researchers devoted to d verse aspects f fracture me hanics and fatigue of metals and composites. Special thanks are du to the nvited speak rs, Professors, Luca Susmel from the University of Sheffield, UK, Sofia Teixei a de Fr itas from the Technical U iversity of Delft, The N therlands, Mário Vaz from Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Dr-Ing. Uwe Zerbst from BAM Federal Institute for Material Research and Tes ing in Berlin, Germany. A total of 73 sc e tific ork were ubmitted, on a wide range of topics, from Biomedical (8 papers), Composi es (14 papers), Fatigue of metals (26 papers), Fracture (15 pap rs) and materials processing (10 papers). The organizing committee is grateful to the all authors by their participation allowing sci ntists and e gineers to present and exch nge new data and cutting dge idea d ring th presentati ns nd soci l events. The organizing committee is grateful to the support given by : Sociedade Portugues de Materiais, IDMEC – Instituto de Eng nharia Mecânica, Escola Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Instron, Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Structural Integrity Society. Welcome Message This book co tains the abstracts of the presentations at the XV Portuguese Conference on r cture. This series of conferences, are orga ized every two years by Portuguese researchers since 1987, in the sequence of the rganization in 1984, of the Fifth European Conference on racture, i Lisbon, and are devoted to several aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of diverse materials, from metals to composites. In 2016 the conference is held t Escola Nautica Infante D. Henrique in Paço de Arcos, in the beautiful Estoril coast, from 10 th to 12 th February, co-organized jointly by Instituto Superior Técnico, under the auspices of the Fracture Division of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and ESIS, European Structural Integrity Society. For this conference, the orga izing committee has decided to publish the papers under the new open access journal Structural Integrity Procedia, edited by El evier and available at ScienceDirect. We are proud to announce that this edition will be the first one of this new series of on-line journal. This will improve the visibility of the scientific work of portuguese researchers devoted to diverse aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of metals and composites. Special thanks are due to the invited speakers, Professors, Luca Susmel from the University of Sheffield, UK, Sofia Teixeira de Fr itas from the Technical U iversity of Delft, The Netherlands, Mário Vaz from Faculdade de Engenh ria da U iversidade do Porto, Portugal and Dr-Ing. Uwe Zerbst from BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany. A total of 73 scientific work wer submitt d, on a wide range of topics, from Biomedical (8 paper ), Composites (14 paper ), Fatigu of metals (26 papers), Fracture (15 papers) and materials processing (10 papers). The organizing committe is grateful to the all authors by their participation allowing scientists and engineers to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas during the presentations and social events. The organizing committee is grat ful to t e support given by : Sociedade Portugues de Materiais, IDMEC – Instituto de Eng nharia Mecânica, Escola Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Instron, Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Structural Integrity Society. Welcome Message This book contains the abstracts of the present tions at he XV Portuguese Conferenc on Fracture. This series of conferences, are orga zed every w y ars by Portuguese r searchers since 1987, in the seq ence of the organiz tion in 1984, of the Fifth European Confer nce on Fracture, in Lisbon, and are devoted to several aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of diverse materials, from metals to composites. In 2016 the conference is held at Esc la Nautica Infante D. Henrique in Paç e Arcos, in the beautiful Estoril coast, from 10 th to 12 th F bruary, co-organized jointly by Instituto Superior Técnico, under the auspices of the Fracture Division of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and ESIS, European Structural Integrity Society. F r thi c fer nce, the organizing committee has decided to publish the papers under the new open acc ss journal Structural Integrity Proc dia, edited by Elsevier and available at ScienceDirect. We are proud to announce that this edition will be the first one of this new series of on-line journal. This will improve the visibility of the scientific work of portuguese researchers devoted to diverse aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue f metals and composites. Special thanks are du to the invited speakers, Professors, Luca Susmel from the University of Sheffield, UK, Sofia Teixeira de Freitas from the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, Mário Vaz from Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Dr-Ing. Uwe Zerbst from BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany. A total of 73 scie tific orks were submitted, on a wide range of topics, from Biomedical (8 papers), Composite (14 pap rs), Fatigue of metals (26 papers), Fracture (15 papers) and materials processing (10 papers). The organizing committee is grateful to the all authors by their participation allowing scientists and engineers to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas during the presentations and social events. The organizing committee is grateful to the support given by : Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais, IDMEC – Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica, Escola Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Instron, Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Structural Integrity Society. Welcome M ssage This book contains the abstracts of the presentations at the XV Portuguese Conference on Fracture. This series of conferences, are organized every two years by Portuguese researchers since 1987, in the sequence of the organization in 1984, of the Fifth European Conference on Fracture, i Lisbon, and are devoted to several aspects of fracture m chanics and fatigue of diverse materials, from metals to composi es. In 2016 the conferenc is hel t Esco a Nautica Infa t D. Henrique in Paço de Arcos, i the beautiful Estoril coast, from 10 th to 12 th F bruary, c -organized jointly by Instituto Supe ior Técnico, under the auspices of the Fracture Division of the Sociedade Po uguesa de Materiais and ESIS, European Structural Integrity Society. For this conference, the organizing committee has decided to publish the papers under the n w open access journal Structural Int grity Proced a, edite by El e ier and vailable at cienceDirect. We ar proud to announce that this ed tion w ll be the first one of this ew series of on-line journal. This will improve the visibility of the scientific work of portuguese researchers devoted to diverse aspects f fracture mechanics and fatigue f metals and composites. Special thanks are due to the invited sp akers, Professors, Luca Susmel from th University of Sheffield, UK, Sofia Teixeir de Freitas f om the Technical Un ve sity of Delft, The N therlands, Mário Vaz from Faculdade de E genh ria da Universidad do Porto, Portugal and Dr-Ing. Uwe Zerbst from BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Tes ing in Berlin, Germany. A total of 73 scientific works wer submitted, on a wid range of topics, from Biomedical (8 papers), Composites (14 papers), Fatigue of metals (26 pap rs), Fracture (15 papers) and materials processing (10 papers). The rga izin committe is grat ful to the all authors by their participation allowing sc ntists and engineers to present and exch nge new data and cutting edge idea d ring the presentations and social events. The organizing committee is grateful to the support given by : Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais, IDMEC – Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica, Escola Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Instron, Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Structural Integrity Society. Welcome Message This book co t ins the abstracts of the presentations at the XV Portuguese Conference on r e. This series of conferences, are organized very two years by Portuguese researchers since 1987, in the sequence of he rganization in 1984, of the Fifth European Conference o Fracture, in Lisbon, and are devoted to sever l aspects of fracture mecha ics and fatigue of diverse materials, from metals to composites. In 2016 the conference is held at Escola Nautica Infante D. Henrique in Paço de Arcos, in the beautiful Estoril coast, from 10 th to 12 th F bruary, co-organized jointly by Instituto Superior Técnico, under the auspices of the Fracture Division of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and ESIS, European Structural Integrity Society. For this conference, the rganizing commi tee has decided to publish the papers under the new pen access jo rnal Structural Integrity Procedia, edi ed by Elsevier and vailable at ScienceDirect. We are proud to announce that this edition will be the first one of this new series of on-line journal. This will improve the visibility of the scientific work of portuguese researchers devot d to diverse aspects of fracture mechanics and fatigue of metals and composites. Special thanks are due to the invit d speakers, Professors, Luca Susmel from the University of Sheffield, UK, Sofia Teixeira de Fr itas from the Technical U iversi y of Delft, The Netherlands, Mário Vaz from Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Dr-Ing. Uwe Zerbst from BAM Federal Institute for aterials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany. A total of 73 scientific works were submitted, on a wide ra ge of topic , from Biomedical (8 papers), Composites (14 papers), Fatigue of metals (26 ap rs), Fracture (15 papers) and materials processing (10 papers). The organizi g c mmitt e is grateful to the all authors by their participation allowing scientists and engineers to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas during the presentations and social events. The organizing commi tee is grateful to the support giv n by : Sociedade Portugues de Mat r ai IDMEC – Instituto de Eng nharia Mecânica, sc la Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Instron, Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Structural Integrity Society. Welcome Message This book contains the abstracts of the prese tations at the XV Portuguese Conf renc on Fractur . This series of conferences, are organized every two years by Portuguese researchers sin e 1987, in the sequ nc of the organization in 1984, o the Fifth European Confer nce on Fracture, i Lisbon, and are devoted to several aspects f fractur m chanics nd fatigue of div rs mat rials, from metals to composites. In 2016 the conferenc is held at Escola Nautica Infante D. He r que i Paço de Arcos, in the beautiful Estoril coast, from 10 th to 12 th February, co-organiz d join ly by Instituto Superior Técnico, under the auspi es of the F acture Division of the Sociedade Po tugues de Materiais and ESIS, European Str ctural Integrity Soci ty. For this c nf re e, the o ganizing comm tee has decide to pub ish the papers und r he new pen a cess journal Structural Integrity Procedia, edited by Elsevie and vailable at ScienceDirect. We are proud to an ounce that this edition will be the first one of this w s rie of on-line journal. Thi will improve the visibility of the scientific work of portuguese researchers devoted to iverse aspects of fracture mech nics and fatigue of metals and composites. p cial thanks are due to the invited peakers, Professors, Luca Susmel from the University of Sheffield, UK, S fia Teixeira de Freitas from the T chnical University of Delft, The Netherlands, Már o Vaz fr m Faculdade de Engenh r a da Universidad do Porto, Portugal nd Dr-Ing. Uwe Zerbst from BAM Federal In titute for Ma rials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany. A total of 73 scientific works were submitted, on a wide range of topic , from Biomedical (8 papers), Composites 4 , Fatigue of metals (26 pap r ), Fracture (15 paper ) and m ter l processing (10 papers). The orga izi g committee is grateful to th all authors by their participation allowing scientists nd engineers to pr s nt and exchange new d ta a d cutting edge ideas during the present tions and social events. The organizing commit ee is grateful to the support given by : Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais DMEC – Instituto de Enge haria Mecânic , Escola Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Caixa Geral de De ósitos, Inst on, Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Structural Integrity Society. Welco i k t i t tr t f t r t ti ns at the XV Portuguese Conferenc on ra t r . i seri s of confer nces, are organized every two years by Portugue e res archers since 1987, in the sequence of t rganizati i 84, of the Fift r pean Conference on Fracture, in Lisbon, a d re de t t er l p t of fracture mechanics and fatigue of diver e materials, from met ls to compos es. In 2016 th f r e i l t l Na tica Infante D. Henrique in Paço d A cos, in the beautiful Estoril coast, from 10 th to 1 th r r , c -or i j i tl I stitut ri r cnico, under the auspices of the Fract re Division of th i t t ri i I , r tr t ral Integrity Soci ty. For this conference, the o ganizing committee has decided to publish th pap rs n r t e n ccess jo r l Structural Integrity Procedia, e ite by Els i r ailabl t Sci nceDirect. W are proud to ann unce that this dition will be the first one of this new s ri s f -li j r l. is ill i r t isi ilit f t i tifi rk f rt se r r r t t i erse aspects of fracture mechanics nd fatigue of metals and compos tes. Sp ci l thanks are due to the nvited speak rs, Professo s, Luca Susmel from th U i r it f Sheffiel , UK, Sofia Teixeira de Fre t s fr m the Technical U iv r it f lft, t rl , Mári Vaz from Faculdad de Engenharia da Universi ade do P rt , Portugal and Dr-Ing. Uwe Z rbst fro B ral I t tute f r Material earch an tin in rli , r . A total of 73 scien fic wor r b itt , i r f to i , fr i i l (8 p rs), Composites (14 p pe s), Fati u f t l ( rs), r t re ( r ) m t ri l r i ( r ). r a izi itt i r t f l t t ll t r thei parti i ti ll i i ti t i r t r t t tti i ri g the re t ti i l t . T r i i itt i r t f l t t rt iv : i rt M t ri i , I I tit t ri i a, l uperior ti a Infante D. Henrique, I - I tituto Superior Técnico, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Instron, Câmara Municipal de O ir , r i i cnol i d European Str tural Integrity Soci t . XV Portuguese Conference on Fracture, PCF 2016, 10-12 February 2016, Paço de Arcos, Portugal Thermo-mechanical modeling of a high pressure turbine blade of an airplane gas turbine engine P. Brandão a , V. Infante b , A.M. Deus c * a Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal b IDMEC, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal c CeFEMA, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Abstract During their operation, modern aircraft engine components are subjected to increasingly demanding operating conditions, especially the high pressure turbine (HPT) blades. Such conditions cause these parts to undergo different types of time-dependent degradation, one of which is creep. A model using the finite element method (FEM) was developed, in order to be able to predict the creep behaviour of HPT blades. Flight data records (FDR) for a specific aircraft, provided by a commercial aviation company, were used to obtain thermal and mechanical data for three different flight cycles. In order to create the 3D model needed for the FEM analysis, a HPT blade scrap was scanned, and its chemical composition and material properties were obtained. The data that was gathered was fed into the FEM model and different simulations were run, first with a simplified 3D rectangular block shape, in order to better establish the model, and then with the real 3D mesh obtained from the blade scrap. The overall expected behaviour in terms of displacement was observed, in particular at the trailing edge of the blade. Therefore such a model can be useful in the goal of predicting turbine blade life, given a set of FDR data. © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of PCF 2016. Keywords: High Pressure Turbine Blade; Creep; Finite Element Method; 3D Model; Simulation. Lisbon, February 2016 Lisbon, February 2016 Lisbon, February 2016 Lisbon, February 2016 Luís Reis Luís Reis Luís Reis Luís Reis Manuel Fonte Manuel Fonte Lisbon, February 2016
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 218419991. E-mail address: Manuel de Freitas Manuel e Freitas Manuel Fonte a el Fonte Lisbon, February 2016 Lisbon, February 2016 Lisbon, February 2016 Lisbon, February 2016 Virgínia Infante Manuel de Freitas Luís Reis
2452-3216 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of PCF 2016. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of PCF 2016. 10.1016/j.prostr.2016.02.001 Virgínia Infante Virgínia Infante Manuel de Freitas Virgínia Infante Manuel Fonte Manuel de Freitas Luís Reis Manuel Fonte Luís Reis Luís Reis Lisbon, February 2016 Li b , ebruary 2016
Virgínia Infante Manuel de Freitas Manuel Fonte Manuel de Freitas anuel Fonte Manuel de Freitas Luís Reis Manuel Fonte Luís R is Font Luís Reis a el t Virgínia Infante
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