PSI - Issue 46

Gaurav Singh et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 46 (2023) 149–154



Gaurav Singh et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2021) 000–000

5. Conclusion In this study, a 3D finite element model based on plastic and elastic-plastic formulation is developed using  Zr-4 alloy produced with a 1.25 m/min feed rate exhibits lower residual stresses over samples produced at 2 m/min at the same die angle.  The dies with a die angle of 4 o have led to the least tensile residual stress at the center and more compressive residual stress at the surface of Zr-4 alloy. It is the best choice for carrying out an experimental test to validate the simulation results.  The residual stresses values are consistent across the axial (length) of the billet sample.  The Zr-4 alloy beyond the die angle of 10 degree (10 to 14 o ) has irregular deformation. Acknowledgment This research was funded by the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Mumbai, India (Grant no. EDD/16/17/034/BRNS/RJAG). The authors would like to thank the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Mumbai, India, for sponsoring this work. References Qingzhong Mao, Xiang Chen, Jiansheng Li and Yonghao Zhao, 2021, Nano-Gradient Materials Prepared by Rotary Swaging, Nanomaterials, 11, 2223. Seong Joo Lim, Ho Joon Choi, Kyoung Hoan Na, and Chi Hwan Lee, 2007, Dimensional Characteristics of Products Using Rotary Swaging Machine with Four-Dies, Solid State Phenomena, 24-126, 1645-1648. Seong-Joo Lima, Ho-Joon Choia, Chi-Hwan Lee, 2009, Forming characteristics of tubular product through the rotary swaging process, journal of materials processing technology 209, 283–288. Eric Moumi, Svetlana Ishkina, Bernd Kuhfuss, Thomas Hochrainer, Adrian Struss, Martin Hunkel, 2014, 2D-simulation of material flow during infeed rotary swaging using finite element method, Procedia Engineering, 81, 2342 – 2347 Hui-Feng Wang, Jing-Tao Han & Qing-Le Hao (2015) Influence of Mandrel on the Performance of Titanium Tube with Cold Rotary Swaging, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 30:10, 1251-1255 Ishkina, S., Charni, D., Herrmann, M., Liu, Y., Epp, J., Schenck, C., Kuhfuss, B., Zoch, H.W, 2019, Influence of Process Fluctuations on Residual Stress Evolution in Rotary Swaging of Steel Tubes. Materials, 12, 855 Liu, Y. Herrmann, M. Schenck, C. Kuhfuss, B., 2019, Plastic Deformation Components in Mandrel Free Infeed Rotary Swaging of Tubes, Procedia Manufacturing, 27, 33-38. Ortmann-Ishkina, S., Charni, D., Herrmann, M. et al. 2021, Development of residual stresses by infeed rotary swaging of steel tubes. Arch Appl Mech 91, 3637–3647. Peter Groche, Alessandro Franceschi, 2021, Residual stress evolution in partial and full axisymmetric forming processes, CIRP Annals, 70, 227 230. Liu Y, Liu J, Herrmann M, Schenck C, Kuhfuss B., 2021, Material Flow in Infeed Rotary Swaging of Tubes. Materials, 14(1):58 Singh G, Kalita B, Vishnu Narayanan KI, Arora UK, Mahapatra MM, Jayaganthan R., 2020, Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Evaluation of Residual Stress of Zr-4 alloys Processed through Swaging. Metals, 10(10), 1281 Zhang, Q., Jin, K., Mu, D.M., Ma, P., Tian, J., 2014, Rotary Swaging Forming Process of Tube Workpieces. Procedia Eng., 81, 2336–2341.

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