PSI - Issue 15
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Abdulsalam and Feng./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
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M. Abdulsalam et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 15 (2019) 2–7 (5) where: is the period total time, 0 and 0 are the integration constants and taken arbitrarily as zero. The forward and backward waves in arteries are caused by heart and reflection, respectively. Thus using this technique could give important information in arterial system especially with a plaque. 3. Methodology This study attempts to distinguish between stable and unstable plaques based on arterial waveform. Two types of plaques were fabricated and their characteristics are illustrated in Table 1. The in-vitro experimental setting (Fig. 1) consists of the pulsatile pump (Harvard Apparatus, USA), reservoirs and latex penrose tubing (Kent Elastomer, UK). The measurement devices include: Digitimer (Sonometric Corporation, Canada) for diameter, perivascular flow probe (Transonic, USA) for flow rate. The artificial plaques, possessing the features of the human carotid plaques, were prepared based on the clinical findings by Butcovan et al. (2016). The artificial plaque in this study consisted of gelatin (from bovine skin, type B, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and a collagen (from human placenta, type III, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) for fibrous cap, calcium chloride hexahydrate (Sigma – Aldrich) for calcification and soybean oil for LC (Guo et al., 2013). The fibrous cap was firstly prepared and left for 24 hours. The calcium, collagen and soybean oil were filled into the fibrous cap and left for 48 hours. ± = ∑ ± + = (5) where: is the period tot l time, 0 and 0 are th integration constants and taken arbitrarily as zero. The forward and backward waves i arteries are caused by heart and reflection, respectively. Thus using this technique could give important information in arterial system especially with a plaque. 3. Methodology This study attempts to dis inguish b tween stable and unstable plaques bas d on arterial waveform. Two types of plaques were fabricated and their characteristics are ill trated in Table 1. The in-vitro experimental setti g (Fig. 1) consists of the pulsatile pump (Harvard Apparatus, USA), reservoirs and latex penrose tubing (Kent Elastomer, UK). The measurement devices include: Digitim r (Sonometric Corp ratio , Canad ) for diam ter, perivascular flow probe (Transonic, USA) for flow rate. The art ficial plaques, possessing the features of the hum n carotid plaques, were prepared based on the clinical findings by Butcovan et al. (2016). The artificial plaque in this study consisted of g latin (fro bovine skin, type B, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and a collagen (from hum n placenta, type III, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) for fibrous cap, calcium chloride hexahydrate (Sigma – Aldrich) fo calcification and soyb an oil for LC (Guo t al., 2013). T f s was firstly prepared and left for 24 hours. The calcium, collagen and soybean oil were filled into the fibrous cap and left for 48 hours. ± = ∑ ± + = (4) ± = ∑ ± + = (5) where: is the period total time, 0 and 0 are the integration constants and taken arbitrarily as zero. The forward and backward waves in arteries are caused by heart and reflection, respectively. Thus using this technique could give important information in arterial system especially with a plaque. 3. Methodology This study attempts to distinguish between stable and unstable plaques based on arterial waveform. Two types of plaques were fabricated and their characteristics are illustrated in Table 1. The in-vitro experimental setting (Fig. 1) consists of the pulsatile pump (Harvard Apparatus, USA), reservoirs and latex penrose tubing (Kent Elastomer, UK). The measurement devices include: Digitimer (Sonometric Corporation, Canada) for diameter, perivascular flow probe (Transonic, USA) for flow rate. The artificial plaques, possessing the features of the human carotid plaques, were prepared based on the clinical findings by Butcovan et al. (2016). The artificial plaque in this study consisted of gelatin (from bovine skin, type B, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and a collagen (from human placenta, type III, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) for fibrous cap, calcium chloride hexahydrate (Sigma – Aldrich) for calcification and soybean oil for LC (Guo et al., 2013). The fibrous cap was firstly prepared and left for 24 hours. The calcium, collagen and soybean oil were filled into the fibrous cap and left for 48 hours. Abdulsalam and Feng./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000 + 4 ± = ∑ ± + = (5) where: is the period total time, 0 and 0 are the integration constants and taken arbitrarily as zero. The forward and backward waves in arteries are caused by heart and reflection, respectively. Thus using this technique c uld give important information in arterial system especially with a plaque. 3. Methodology This study attempts to distinguish between st ble and unstable plaques based on arterial waveform. Two types of plaques were fabricated and their characteristics are illustrated in Table 1. The in-vitro experimental setting (Fig. 1) consists of the pulsatile pump (Harvard Apparatus, USA), reservoirs and lat x penrose tubing (Kent Elastomer, UK). The measurem nt devices include: Digitimer (Sonometric Corporation, Canada) for diameter, perivascular flow probe (Transonic, USA) for flow rate. The artificial plaques, possessing the features of the human carotid plaques, were prepared based on the clini al findings by Butcovan et al. (2016). The artificial plaque in this study consisted of gelatin (from bovine skin, type B, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and a collagen (from human placenta, type III, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) for fibrous cap, calcium chloride hexahydrate (Sigma – Aldrich) for calcification and soybean oil for LC (Guo et al., 2013). The fibrous cap was firstly prepared and left for 24 hours. The calcium, collagen and soybean oil were filled into the fibrous cap and left for 48 hours. Abdulsalam and Feng./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000 ± = ∑ ± + = (4) ± = ∑ ± + = (5) wher : is the period total time, 0 and 0 are the integration constants and taken arbitrarily as zero. The forward and backward waves in arteries are caused by heart and reflection, respectively. Thus using this technique could give imp rtan information in arterial system especially with a plaque. 3. Methodology This study attempts to distinguish b tween stable an unstable pl ques based on a teri l waveform. Two types of plaques were fabricated and their haracteristics are illustrated n Table 1. The in-vitro exp rimental setting (Fig. 1) consists of the pulsatile ump (Harvard Apparatus, USA), reservoirs and latex penr se tubing (Kent Elastom r, UK). The measur ment dev ces include: Digitimer (S nometric C poration, Canada) for diameter, perivascular flow probe (Transonic, USA) for flow rate. The artificial plaques, possessing the feature of the human caro id plaques, we e prepared based the c inic l findings by B tcov n et al. (2016). The artificial plaque in this tu y consisted f gelatin (from bovine ski , type B, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and a collagen (from hu an placenta, type III, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) for fibrous cap, calcium chloride hexahydrate (Sigma – Aldrich) for calcification and soybean oil for LC (Guo et al., 2013). The fibrous cap was firstly prepared and left for 24 hours. The calcium, collagen and soybean oil were filled into the fibrous cap and left for 48 hours. Abdulsalam an Feng./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 00 –000 ± ± = 4 ± = ∑ ± + = (5) where: is the period total time, 0 and 0 e the int gration constants nd tak n arbitrarily as zero. The forward and backward waves in arteries are caused by heart and reflection, respectively. Thus using this technique c uld give important information in arterial system especially with a plaque. 3. Methodology This study attempts t distinguish between stable and unstable plaques based on arterial wavef rm. Two typ s of plaqu s were fabricated and their characteristics are illustrated in Table 1. The in-v tro experimental setting (Fig. 1) consists of the pulsatile pump (Harvard Apparatus, USA), reservoirs and latex penrose tubing (Kent Elastomer, UK). The measurement devices include: Digitimer (Sonometric Corpora ion, Canada) for diameter, perivascular flow probe (Transonic, USA) for flow rate. The artificial plaques, possessing the features of the human carotid plaques, were prepared based on the c ini al findings by Butcovan et al. (2016). The artificial plaque in his study consisted of gelatin (from bovine skin, type B, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and a collag n (from human placenta, type III, Sigma – Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) for brous cap, calcium chloride hexahydrate (Sigma – Aldrich) for calcification and soybean oil for LC (Guo et al., 2013). The fibrous cap was firstly prepared and left for 24 hours. The calcium, collagen and soybean oil were filled into the fibrous cap and left for 48 hours. Table1. The compositions of two types of arterial plaques: stable (FC) and vulnerable plaques (TCFA) Plaque type Fibrous cap thickness LC % of plaque volume Table1. The compositions of two types of arterial plaques: stable (FC) and vulnerable plaques (TCFA) Plaque type Fibrous cap thickness LC % of plaque volume Table1. The compositions of two types of arterial plaques: stable (FC) and vulnerable plaques (TCFA) Plaque type Fibrous cap thickness LC % of plaque volume Table1. The compositions of two types of arterial plaques: stable (FC) and vulnerable plaques (TCFA) Plaque type Fibrous cap thickness LC % of plaque volume Table1. The compositions of two type of arterial plaques: stable (FC) and vulnerable plaques (TCFA) Plaque type Fibrous cap thickness LC % of plaque volume Table1. The compositions of two types of arterial plaques: stable (FC) and vulnerable plaques (TCFA) Plaque type Fibrous cap thickness LC % of plaque volume Ca % of plaque volume Ca % of plaque volume FC 0.27 mm 6.23 % 6.23 % 0 % 0 % Note: FC, fibro-calcified plaque; TCFA, thin-cap fibroatheroma. Note: FC, fibro-calcified plaque; TCFA, thin-cap fibroatheroma. Abdulsalam and Feng./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000 Ca % of plaque volume Ca % of plaque volume Ca % of plaque volume Ca % of plaque volume
46.86 % 25.90 % 46 86 25.90 % 46.86 % 25.90 % 46.86 % 25.90 % 46.86 % 25.90 % 46.86 % 25.90 %
0.02191 mm 27 mm 0.02191 mm 0.27 mm 0.02191 mm 0.27 mm 0.02191 mm 0.27 mm 0.02191 mm 0.27 mm 0.02191 mm
6.23 % 6.23 % 6.23 % 6.23 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 %
Note: FC, fibro-calcified plaque; TCFA, thin-cap fibroatheroma. Note: FC, fibro-calcified plaque; TCFA, thin-cap fibroatheroma. Note: FC, fibro-calcified plaque; TCFA, thin-cap fibroatheroma. Note: FC, fibro-calcified plaque; TCFA, thin-cap fibroatheroma.
Fig.1. The experimental set-up consists of the pulsatile blood pump, two reservoirs and artificial arterial system. The measurement sensors include flow probe, pressure transducer and sonometric crystals. The measurements were taken at the site of 5mm before the plaque. Abbreviation of measurement equipment: PT for pressure transducer bridge amplifier, PF for perivascular flow meter, DA for data acquisition and PC for personal computer. The setting of pulsatile pump which represents the heart was as follows: heart rate at 70 RPM and the stroke volume was at 17 c.c. The tube system was adjusted by applying different compliance in order to obtain the healthy carotid waveform. The pressure transducer, flow probe and crystals were close to each other and their distance between one to another were less than 5 mm. The pressure, flow rate and change of diameter reading Fig.1. The experimental set-up consists of the pulsatile blood pump, two reservoirs and artificial arterial system. The measurement sensors include flow probe, pressure transducer and sonometric crystals. The measurements were taken at the site of 5mm before the plaque. Abbreviation of measurement equipment: PT for pressure transducer bridge amplifier, PF for perivascular flow meter, DA for data acquisition and PC for personal computer. The setting of pulsatile pump which represents the heart was as follows: heart rate at 70 RPM and the strok volume was at 17 c.c. The tube system was adjusted by applying different compliance in order to obtain the healthy carotid waveform. The pressure transducer, flow probe and crystals were close to each other and their distance between one to another were less than 5 mm. The pressure, flow rate and change of diameter reading Fig.1. Th experimental et-up consists of the pulsatile blood pump, two reservoirs and a tificial arterial system. The m asurement sensors include flow probe, pressure transducer and sonometric crystals. The measurements were taken at the site of 5mm before the plaque. Abbreviation of measurement equipment: PT for pressure transducer bridge amplifier, PF for perivascular flow meter, DA for data acquisition and PC for personal computer. The setting of pulsatile pump which represents the heart was as follows: heart rate at 70 RPM and the stroke volume was at 17 c.c. The tube system was adjusted by applying different compliance in order to obtain the healthy carotid waveform. The pressure transducer, flow probe and crystals were close to each other and their distance between one to another were less than 5 mm. The pressure, flow rate and change of diameter reading Fig.1. The experimental set-up consists of the pulsatile blood pump, two reservoirs and artificial arterial system. The measurement sensors include flow probe, pressure transducer and sonometric crystals. The measurements were taken at the site of 5mm before the plaque. Abbreviation of measurement equipment: PT for pressure transducer bridge amplifier, PF for perivascular flow meter, DA for data acquisitio and PC for personal computer. The setting of pulsatile pump which repre ents the heart was s follows: heart rate at 70 RPM and the stroke volume was at 17 c.c. The tube system was adjusted by applying different compliance in order to obtain the healthy carotid waveform. The pressure transducer, flow probe and crystals were close to each other and their distance between one to another were less than 5 mm. The pressure, flow rate and change of diameter reading Fig.1. The experimental set-up consists of the pulsatile blood pump, two reservoirs and artificial arterial system. The m asurement sensors includ flow pr be, pressur transducer and son metric cryst ls. Th measurements were taken at the site o 5mm before the plaque. Abbr viation o mea urement equipment: PT for pressure ransducer bridge mplifi , PF for periv scular flow meter, DA for data acquisition and PC for pe sonal computer. The setting of pulsatile pump hich represents the heart was as follows: heart rate t 70 RPM and the stroke volume was at 17 c.c. The tube system was adjusted by applying different compliance in order to obtain the healthy carotid waveform. The pressure transducer, flow probe and crystals were close to each other and their Fig.1. The experimental set-up consists of the pulsatile blood pump, two reservoirs and artificial arterial system. The measurement sensors includ flow probe, pressur transducer and son m tric crystals. The measurements wer taken a the site of 5mm before the plaque. Abbreviation of measure ent equipment: PT for pressure transducer bridge amplifier, PF for perivascular flow meter, DA for data acquisitio and PC for personal computer. T e setting of pulsatile pump which represents the heart was s follows: heart rate at 70 RPM and the stroke volume was at 17 c.c. The ube syst m was adjusted by ap lying di ferent compliance in or er to obtain the healthy carotid waveform. The pressure transducer, flow probe and crystals were close to each other and their
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