PSI- Issue 9
Jesús Toribio / Procedia Structural Integrity 9 (2018) 311–316 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
Fig. 7. Fracture surfaces in specimen 5D (5 drawing steps; notch D) and fractographic appearance of crack path deflection.
6. A Tribute to Masaccio
The anisotropic fracture path with a stepped profile in cold drawn pearlitic steel, consisting of deflections and deviations from the initial transverse fracture path in mode I, resembles Masaccio’s Tribute Money (MTM) painting (Fig. 8) with its mountains at the background, so that the anisotropic fracture profile with crack path deflection can be classified as a MTM topography , the present paper representing a Tribute to Masaccio.
Fig. 8. The Tribute Money by Masaccio.
This paper is a review of previous research by the author. Acknowledgement is gratefully given to the co-authors of previous publications included in the list of references given below, with special mention to Francisco-Javier Ayaso of the University of Salamanca. In addition, the author wishes to acknowledge the financial support provided by the following Spanish Institutions: Ministry for Science and Technology (MICYT; Grant MAT2002-01831), Ministry for Education and Science (MEC; Grant BIA2005-08965), Ministry for Science and Innovation (MICINN; Grant BIA2008-06810), Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO; Grant BIA2011-27870) and Junta de Castilla y León (JCyL; Grants SA067A05, SA111A07 and SA039A08).
Embury, JD., Fisher, RM., 1966. The Structure and Properties of Drawn Pearlite. Acta Metallurgica 14, 147-159. Langford, G., 1977. Deformation of Pearlite. Metallurgical Transactions 8A, 861-875. Ridley, N., 1984. A Review of the Data on the Interlamellar Spacing of Pearlite. Metallurgical Transactions 15A, 1019-1036.
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