PSI - Issue 8

A. Gilioli et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 8 (2018) 33–42 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000



way, but when inserted in balanced specimen this effect was much reduced and the linear approximation of the model did not worsen the results. Hence the linear approximation for balanced is acceptable in tensile test simulations and good results can be achieved.

Fig. 5. Comparisons of the load-displacement curve between the FE model and experiments of the balanced specimen: different mesh were considered

4.2.1. Open hole

The open hole test was used to validate the tuned material properties. Also in this case, the PB, TIE and COH models were developed, but no differences were found in the results, see Fig.6. Therefore, the PB model is the most suitable choice to obtain the load-displacement curve, because it is the simplest to implement and also the fastest. In order to be able to analyse the complex stress state near the hole, a fine mesh was used, while close to the grips a coarse mesh was adopted. In between, a transition mesh was used to avoid an unnecessary increase in computational cost. The results of the different models and mesh are reported in Fig.7. The stiffness was always correctly predicted, but the ultimate load was smaller when the mesh dimension decreased. To overcome this issue a mesh regularization technique should be adopted, or as an alternative, a criterion with in-situ strength for a fixed mesh size should be implemented. The mesh regularization method is a methodology that allows to predict the correct ultimate load, modifying the maximum strength value in accordance to the mesh dimension. It is well-known that mesh dimension may affect the results of a simulation and hence some methods have been developed by many authors including Leone (2017), Mikkelsen (2013) and Daniels (2014). Future work has to be performed in this direction and has already been planned.

Fig. 6. Comparison of the load-displacement curve between the FE model and experiments of the balanced with hole specimen

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