PSI - Issue 64
Lingzhen Li et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 64 (2024) 1318–1325 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
(a) A general nonlinear stress-strain curve and its supplementary strain energy. (b) A schematic bond-slip behavior of the adhesive bond. The area covered by the bond-slip curve is the fracture energy ( ), while the area truncated by a slip ( ) is the partial fracture energy ( , ). Fig. 2. The relationship between the supplementary strain energy of the adherent strip and the fracture energy of the adhesive bond. 3. Graphical interpretation of bond capacity Substituting Equation (6) into Equation (5) leads to Equation (7), which allows for a graphical solution to the bond capacity. � 0 = (7) where represents the adherent tensile stress with respect to the bond capacity ( ).
Fig. 3. The Wine Glass model (The background picture with a wine glass is adopted from internet, however the original source cannot be identified). The right-hand side of Equation (7) represents the fracture energy of the adhesive bond divided by the adherent strip thickness, while the left-hand side refers to the supplementary strain energy of the adherent strips, truncated by the tensile stress level with respect to the bond capacity. Equation (7) can be further visualized in Fig. 3, where the
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