PSI - Issue 60

Harikrishna S et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 60 (2024) 700–708 Harikrishna S / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000 Harikrishna S / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000


Fig. 3. Bulging of brick layers of middle partition wall on both sides. Fig. 3. Bulging of brick layers of middle partition wall on both sides.

Fig. 4. Delamination of brick layers of side walls Fig. 4. Delamination of brick layers of side walls

Fig. 5. Spalling of concrete on cover slabs Fig. 5. Spalling of concrete on cover slabs

Fig. 6. Sulphur deposits & Corrosion on top slabs Fig. 6. Sulphur deposits & Corrosion on top slabs

The above observations enabled the stakeholders to suspect damages on concrete due to sulphur intrusion. Hence it was decided to remove the brick lining. Subsequently the brick lining on both sides of middle RCC wall was The above observations enabled the stakeholders to suspect damages on concrete due to sulphur intrusion. Hence it was decided to remove the brick lining. Subsequently the brick lining on both sides of middle RCC wall was

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