PSI - Issue 58

Włodzimierz Dudziński et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 58 (2024) 54 – 60 D. W ł odzimierz et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



which is based on the DIN22261-2 standard. The maximum value of calculated force was F=149,9 kN. The load operation diagram is shown on Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Diagram of load operation on the discharge boom suspension axle.

Fig. 8. Computational model with applied boundary conditions.

Fig. 9. Details of geometrical model of axis and securing elements (cross-section view).

Fig. 10. Details of the FEM model of axis and securing elements (cross-section view).

In the next step a geometrical model of the axis and its cooperating elements was created (Zienkiewicz et al., 1991). Solid finite elements were generated on the model. In addition, a constraint and a specified force was applied. In the complete calculation model, the contact connections in the upper axle bearing and the individual securing elements were also defined. The above steps are shown in Figs. 8÷10.

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