PSI - Issue 57

David Mellé et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 57 (2024) 61–72 David Melle´ / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000–000



Fig. 7. Populations of surface micro-geometric features sizes of several 30 min etched coupons identified by surface interferometry measurements. The killer feature size is enclosed in the red diamond marker. The red triangle correspond to the SEM images measurements of the killer surface feature.

Fig. 8. Populations of surface micro-geometric features depths of several 30 min etched coupons identified by surface interferometry measurements. The killer feature depth is enclosed in the red diamond marker. The red triangle correspond to the SEM images measurements of the killer surface feature.

stresses achieved). In addition, the consistent Kitagawa-Takahashi diagram presented in Figure 5 clearly points to the

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