PSI - Issue 57

Luc AMAR et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 57 (2024) 217–227 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

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4. Conclusions Test results according to ASTM G-204 show that the coefficient of friction for the six material-heat treatment combinations is very similar at two amplitudes. These results indicate that the energy dissipated for these six couples is similar under these conditions. It is therefore not necessary to look for laws on the influence of material-heat treatment on the energy dissipated for these six couples. Maximum trace depth measurements give a reliable idea of the microstructure of the worn zone for gradient treatments such as nitriding and surface hardening. As the wear does not exceed 22 µm in the most critical cases, one can conclude that the worn zone only concerns the combination layer in the case of nitrided 42CrMo4 plate, and the hardened layer in the case of hardened 42CrMo4 induction-hardened plate and 20MnCr5 ate. The results of volumetric wear measurements show that the wear resistance of certain pairs couples (42CrMo4 annealed and 100Cr6 quenched and tempered, in particular) depends very strongly on the slip amplitude, while others are also slip amplitude dependent although to a lesser but significant degree. This dependence is not linked to chemical composition or hardness. The perspectives are, on the one hand, to widen the range of variation amplitude to obtain a more reliable view of this phenomenon, and, on the other hand, to understand the wear mechanisms through wear faces. These analyses could be carried out in conjunction with microscopic observations,profilometric measurements,and quantification of the partial versus total slip zones. References Amar, L. (2018) 220110- DI : Usure par fretting corrosion appliqué aux liaisons cannelures . Amar, L. (2021) 262367-DI fretting corrosion . Amar, L. and Shandro, R. (2017) ‘208342 - Etude bibliographique Fretting Corrosion’, pp. 1– 35. Archard, J. F. (1953) ‘Contact and Rubbing of Flat Surfaces’, Journal of Applied Physics , 24, pp. 981 – 988. ASTM (2021) ASTM G204 - Standard Test Method for Damage to Contacting Solid Surfaces under Fretting Conditions . Berthier, Y., Vincent, L. and Godet, M. (1989) ‘Fretting fatigue and fretting wear’, Tribology International , 22(4), pp. 235 – 242. doi: 10.1016/0301-679X(89)90081-9. Cuffaro, V. and Mura, A. (2013) ‘Identification of contact regimes in mechanical components for the evaluation of fretting da mage’, Convegno nazionale IGF XXII , pp. 306 – 313. Available at: Ding, J. et al. (2008) ‘Finite element simulation of fretting wear - fatigue interaction in spline couplings’, Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces , 2(1), pp. 10 – 24. doi: 10.1179/175158308X320791. Errichello, R. (2004) ‘Another perspective: False brinelling and fretting corrosion’, Tribology and Lubrication Technology , 60(4), pp. 34 – 36. Fouvry, S., Elleuch, K. and Simeon, G. (2002) ‘Prediction of crack nucleation under partial slip fretting conditions’, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design , 37(6), pp. 549 – 564. doi: 10.1243/030932402320950152. Fouvry, S., Kapsa, P. and Vincent, L. (2001) ‘Elastic - plastic shakedown analysis of fretting wear’, Wear , 247(1), pp. 41 – 54. Fu, Y., Wei, J. and Batchelor, A. W. (2000) ‘Some considerations on the mitigation of fretting damage by the application of s urface-modification technologies’, Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 99(1), pp. 231 – 245. doi: 10.1016/S0924-0136(99)00429-X. Kotzalas, M. N. and Doll, G. L. (2010) ‘Tribological advancements for reliable wind turbine performance’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences , 368(1929), pp. 4829 – 4850. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2010.0194. Medina, S. (2002) Fretting Wear of Misaligned Spline Couplings . Imperial College of Science. Mezlini, S., Elleuch, K. and Kapsa, P. (2006)‘The effect of sulphuric anodisation of aluminium alloys on contact problems’, Surface and Coatings Technology , 200(9), pp. 2852 – 2856. doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2005.01.105. Truman, C. and Booker, J. (2007) ‘Analysis of a shrink - fit failure on a gear hub/shaft assembly’, Engineering Failure Analysis , 14(4), pp. 557 – 572. Vincent, L. et al. (1984) ‘Fretting: Load carrying capacity of wear debris’, Journal of Tribology , 106(2), pp. 192 – 200. Vingsbo, O. and Söderberg, S. (1988) ‘On fretting maps’, Wear , 126(2), pp. 131 – 147. doi: 10.1016/0043-1648(88)90134-2. Waterhouse, R. B. (1981) ‘Fretting fatigue.’, 126, pp. 131– 147. doi: 10.31399/asm.hb.v19.a0002372.

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