PSI - Issue 57

J. Berthellemy / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000 – 000

Jacques BERTHELLEMY et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 57 (2024) 872–903


Fig. 46-a : location and mean distance between chancroid notchs at the surface of weathering steel

Fig. 46-b : Fatigue effect of neighboring chancroid notchs on the map of crack initiation probability

The effect of the presence of neighboring chancroid notchs has been studied and is negligible, but not favorable. Neighboring chancroid notchs only channel the stresses, changing their orientation and altering the position of the hot spot at the bottom of the chancroid notch.

6. Consequence of the fatigue consideration for bridge conception : 6.1 Box girder key advantage

If the longitudinal stiffeners and the guidance rails are continuous, box girders are much safer than double I-beam bridges in terms of fatigue. The bridge presented in 4.2 is a good example to illustrate this. The birds also cannot sit on the lower flanges, for lack of space on a 40 mm cantilever flange rebord-balcony as shown in Figure 47 which means that box girders can be used with weathering steel as soon as the bridge is far enough away from the sea. The features of figure 47 are those of the Nevers Loire Bridge [20,21,22] :

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