PSI - Issue 57

Jacques BERTHELLEMY et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 57 (2024) 872–903 J. Berthellemy / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000 – 000


investigation method was preferable, as shown in Figure 27 if the laboratory had been equipped to carry out this type of sampling in 2014.

Fig. 26: Sample which has been collected

Fig. 27: The specimen that should have been taken

4.4 Fatigue evaluation of the common feature recommended for vertical stiffeners As we have seen before from the position of the hot-spot that the V-shaped cut of the longitudinal stiffener is of no use regarding fatigue. However, the doxa is that it would be very effective and the 2010 “Guide for sustainable bridges” explains that "at the bottom, the flange of the stiffener must not be welded to the lower flange of the main beam, but must be progressively stopped to limit the risk of fatigue with a V-shaped cut" (Chapter 3 – Conception – 2.3.9).

Figure 28: Recommended shape of stiffener according to the 2010 Guide [24]

We have demonstrated in [31] that the class, calculated using the effective notch stress method, is 20 MPa at any cutting angle, in particular 0° and 60°.

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