PSI - Issue 57

Jacques BERTHELLEMY et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 57 (2024) 872–903 J. Berthellemy / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000 – 000


Fig. 20. History of stress variation that is used to evaluation the crack initiation probability (Stress range of 100 MPa)

Fig. 21. Benchmarck fillet weld model proposed by Euler and Cerema model of the probing calculation

Figure 22: Code_Aster Result : probability of crack initiation

The calculated class and category of detail are obtained with the Woehler model used in EN 1993 -1-9 [15] represented by equation [1] , in the same way as when using the hot spot stress method. For the fillet weld the probability of crack initiation under one cyle is p=1,0.E-5 the calculated class is 36,8 MPa = 100 . exp (0,3333 * ln(1/(2E6*1,0E-5))) which is very close to the eurocode experimental category of detail of 36 MPa for construction steel. 4.2 Application to fatigue evaluation of a cut through a rail Cutting through a rail used by a crane is not classified in Eurocode 3 Parts 1-9. The same mistake was made by the same people as in 2.3 on cope holes and 2.5 on the use of different types of flange stiffeners for bottom box girders: it was assumed that the lack of classification meant there was nothing to worry about. Despite the author's protests, cuts suggested by the contractor to drain the water during construction was made using a disc saw. It is therefore pertinent to evaluate a posteriori the category of detail of this cut. What's more, a simple drill hole would have allowed the water to drain away without causing fatigue.

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