PSI - Issue 57

Jacques BERTHELLEMY et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 57 (2024) 872–903 J. Berthellemy / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000 – 000


Figure 10 : Cross section of the bridge

Fig 11-b : Detail 2, fatigue crack at the attachment of a transverse stiffening system

Fig 11-a : Detail 1, fatigue crack in a stiffener of the bottom flange of a box girder bridge

Fig 11-d : Probabilities of fatigue crack initiation

Fig 11-c : View of the mesh

Figure 11: Fatigue failure example of a box girder bridge (see also “From Assessment to Best Practice”, ECCS [39])

The inspections were carried out regularly by the motorway company. During the same year 2014, the bottom flange stiffeners presented cracks at 16 different locations of the bridge which represents 50 % of all the details of type 1. The photo shows the more advanced crack that propagated into the bottom flange.

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