PSI - Issue 56

Cosmin Florin POPA et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 56 (2024) 176–183 Popa Cosmin-Florin/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



Fig 7 Contour specimen phases overlapped over Force - Displacement graph

The engineering shear strain is depicted in Fig. 8, which shows the displacement measurements in three phases: the incipient phase and two final stages, before and after fracture. In the second phase, before fracture, the distribution of the engineering shear strain is along the crack and is highly concentrated in that area. The maximum value of the engineering shear strain is 5.5%

Fig. 8 Engineering Shear Strain on specimen without contour

Fig. 9 Engineering Shear Strain on the specimen with contour

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