PSI - Issue 55

Francesca Frasca et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 55 (2024) 32–38 Frasca et al., / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



as reference temperatures, the values suggested by standards to limit thermo-induced risks to vulnerable collections. It was found that in far future the total energy demand of museums in Trondheim will tend to significantly decrease in heating demand with a very low occurrence of summer cooling. On the opposite, museums in Rome will be much less energy-demanding in winter heating, but this reduction will be compensated by a higher cooling energy demand in summer. In this scenario, the gap between energy demands in Rome and Trondheim will tend to reduce, opening interesting perspectives in terms of the energy management of such sites. As an example, the occurrence of summer days and tropical nights will tend to increase in Rome (middle latitude), thus anticipating that retrofitting strategies should be tailored towards the identification of multi-option passive solutions in museums to avoid the use of energy demanding systems, thus contributing to the reduction of the global carbon dioxide emissions. One of the limitations of our approach is that the energy demand is computed taking into account only the conduction heat transfer of buildings, that might underestimate the future energy demands mainly in case of museums with large-sized windows without shutters. Indeed, although the thermal insulation of the building envelope makes it possible to decrease the total energy demand due to the reduction of the conduction heat transfer, this solution could be responsible for overheating issues, especially in summertime and at middle-low latitudes, due to a higher solar gain with respect to higher latitudes. In such cases, more sophisticated calculation methods, including convection and radiation heat transfers, should be applied. In addition, future energy demand quantification strictly depends on the uncertainty in the projected climate. To sum up, the scenario of case studies with geographical high latitude range shown in this contribution could lay the foundation to stimulate a debate on how to define the next energy performance of buildings directives for countries of the European Economic Area according to future climate conditions. Acknowledgements F. Frasca acknowledges the grant PON “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014 - 2020 IV.6 “Dottorati e contratti di ricerca su tematiche green” (ex D.M. 1062/2021). References Battista, G., Evangelisti, L., Guattari, C., Roncone, M., & Balaras, C. A. (2023). Space-time estimation of the urban heat island in Rome (Italy): Overall assessment and effects on the energy performance of buildings. Building and Environment , 228 . Bertolin, C. (2019). Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Resources Threatened by Climate Change. Geosciences , 9 (6), 250. Bonazza, A., & Sardella, A. (2023). Climate Change and Cultural Heritage: Methods and Approaches for Damage and Risk Assessment Addressed to a Practical Application. Heritage , 6 (4), 3578 – 3589. Califano, A., Zanola, A., Di Terlizzi, I., Baiesi, M., & Bertolin, C. (2023). Preliminary evaluation of the climate-induced fatigue in wood: A physical and computational approach. Forces in Mechanics , 11 , 100186. CIBSE. (2006). Degree-days: theory and application. Technical Manual 41. Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. EN 16893. (2018). Conservation of Cultural Heritage - Specifications for location, construction and modification of buildings or rooms intended for the storage or use of heritage collections . European Committee for Standardization. Frasca, F., Bartolucci, B., Parracha, J. L., Ogut, O., Mendes, M. P., Siani, A. M., Tzortzi, J. N., Bertolin, C., & Flores-Colen, I. (2023). A quantitative comparison on the use of thermal insulation materials in three European countries through the TEnSE approach: Challenges and opportunities. Building and Environment , 245 , 110973. Hao, L., Herrera-Avellanosa, D., Del Pero, C., & Troi, A. (2022). Overheating Risks and Adaptation Strategies of Energy Retrofitted Historic Buildings under the Impact of Climate Change: Case Studies in Alpine Region. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) , 12 (14). Kotova, L., Leissner, J., Winkler, M., Kilian, R., Bichlmair, S., Antretter, F., Moßgraber, J., Reuter, J., Hellmund, T., Matheja, K., Rohde, M., & Mikolajewicz, U. (2023). Making use of climate information for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage: applications to the KERES project. Heritage Science , 11 (1), 18. Las-Heras-Casas, J., López-Ochoa, L. M., López-González, L. M., & Olasolo-Alonso, P. (2021). Energy Renovation of Residential Buildings in Hot and Temperate Mediterranean Zones Using Optimized Thermal Envelope Insulation Thicknesses: The Case of Spain. Applied Sciences , 2021 (1), 370. Lopez-Cabeza, V. P., Alzate-Gaviria, S., Diz-Mellado, E., Rivera-Gomez, C., & Galan-Marin, C. (2022). Albedo influence on the microclimate and thermal comfort of courtyards under Mediterranean hot summer climate conditions. Sustainable Cities and Society , 81 .

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