PSI - Issue 52

A.D. Cummings et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 52 (2024) 762–784 A. Cummings / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000–000





σ 0

σ 1

Fig. 6. Base drop (height 1.2m) - Stress linearization (across section) base centre (a) Decomposition of stresses into membrane and bending(b) Stress tensor plot along the SCL





Fig. 7. Base drop (height 1.2m) - Stress linearization at base radius (a) Across section ASME FFS-1 / API579-1 (2016) (b) Across flaws BS7910 (2019) (c) Across flaws (close-up) BS7910 (2019) (d) Stress tensor plot along the SCL

estimates of K I . Fig. 7c shows the same distributions plotted on zoomed in axes - the linearized distributions are at least equivalent to the underlying stress distribution as required by BS7910 (2019). Fig. 7d shows the principal stress tensor plot overlaid on the maximum principal stress contour plot which indicates that the SCL is perpendicular to the maximum principal stress direction. This demonstrates that the extracted stress distribution is the maximum principal stress distribution. Table. 3 provides a list of all the stresses applied in the base radius assessment.

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