PSI - Issue 52
Jan Sladek et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 52 (2024) 133–142 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
on the electric current, the Joule heating produces the compressive stresses which are growing in time in the sample with thermally isolated boundary. A uniform displacement 14 2 20 2 10 u u m is prescribed on the upper square plate surface. Ahead the crack tip 0 and 1 2 0 t u . It is considered vanishing traction vector for higher order stresses on all surfaces, 0 i R . Similarly high order thermal flux is vanishing on all surfaces, P = 0. The FE-mesh had about 5000 and 10 000 elements with a local refinement near the crack tip to verify convergence. Differences of results were vanishing for both meshes.
Fig. 1 : Geometry and boundary conditions of the plate with a central crack The contour plot of the temperature distribution within higher grade heat conduction theory at certain time instant is presented in Fig.2. One can see a strong localization of high temperature around the crack tip.
8 5 10
10 1 10 s
T l
Fig. 2 : Contour plot of the temperature (K) for
at time instant
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