PSI - Issue 5

Tiago Mendonça et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 5 (2017) 48–54 Mafalda Monteiro et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2017) 000 – 000



to thermal actions. However, where their use was still insufficient to control the displacements over expansion joints and abutments the solution also included hydraulic dumpers.

Fig. 5. Examples of 3D models for global analysis, local analysis of pre-stress cells and design check, respectively

4. Construction stage

Some of the interventions are reported in the following pictures (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Upper line: Repair of local rust bags with hydraulic jack and temporary screws and rivets, addition of new material to reduce slenderness. Lower line: introduction of HDRB devices at each pier and hydraulic dumpers at selected abutments, encasing of foundations.

5. Conclusions

The main problems and challenges in rehabilitation design projects of old steel bridges were detailed in this article. The aim of the projects herein described was to provide the structures of the necessary strength to regulatory and actual standards by satisfying their original aesthetics and introducing strengthening elements in a harmonious way to preserve and enhance the architectural heritage. By providing the structures with the proper use it is possible to raise their response to actions and increase their lifespan, even in centenarian structures.

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