PSI - Issue 44

1876 Giacomo Iovane et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 44 (2023) 1870–1876 Giacomo Iovane et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000 7 concentric braced and eccentric braced frames), while local types include reconstruction, repair and strengthening of single timber elements, joints and floors. It is apparent as the systems using timber-based materials represent suitable retrofit solutions, which are potentially able to contemporarily provide improvement of structural, thermal and also acoustic performances of existing buildings. In particular, low mass of timber induces a not significant increment of the overall masses, which is a favorable condition, considering that consequently the seismic actions are not significantly augmented and the foundation are not significantly burdened; the intervention is reversible, as it is a dry construction and each component can be easily substituted; timber-based materials have basically good thermal and acoustic insulation properties, moreover, additional insulating materials with small thicknesses can be used; the intervention is eco-sustainable and ecofriendly, because the materials can be recycled and reused for other applications with low environmental impact. Surely performances of each system should be analyzed and compared in terms of structural, energetic, acoustic and sustainability requisites. 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